  • 學位論文


The Influence of Student's Integrating Ability on Learning of Physics

指導教授 : 陳文典


本研究之研究目的為探討「綜合統整」能力與物理及其他學科學習間的相關關係,並以北市某市立高中二年級自然組的學生為研究對象。以受試者閱讀選定文章後的「摘要心得寫作」來進行相關研究,根據選定文章的「摘要心得寫作範本」與「綜合統整能力評量量表」批閱學生的作品,綜合統整能力的評量可分為以下四個向度:「代表性」、「簡約性」、「結構性」與「正確性」,並可分別對應四項綜合統整的子能力:「掌握要點」、「化繁為簡」、「表達陳述」及「正確理解」,評量後可獲得學生在各個向度上的得分,用以作為學生在綜合統整四項子能力上表現之依據。將摘要心得寫作所獲得的相關數據資料與各科學習成就指標進行統計分析,並從中獲得綜合統整能力與學科學習間的相關關係。 研究結果顯示:(1)「綜合統整能力」可解釋「物理學習」的總變異達五成以上,且高於其它所有的學科,即「綜合統整能力」對於「物理學習」有相當程度的正面影響,且影響的程度較其它學科顯著。(2)綜合統整的四項子能力對於「物理學習」的影響,以「化繁為簡」的能力最為重要,而後依次為「正確理解」的能力、「掌握要點」的能力,以及良好的「表達陳述」能力。


The purpose of this study is to probe into the relations between ‘integrating ability’ and ‘the learning of physics and the other subjects’, and the second grade science students of a municipal senior high school in Taipei are taken for subjects in this study. The subjects do ‘the summaries and thoughts (about what they has learned) writing’ after reading some assigned articles. The researcher appraises the writings of the students according to the ‘models of summaries and thoughts writing’ of the assigned articles and ‘the assessing table of integrating ability’. The integrating ability could be separated into four aspects: ‘representability’, ‘brevity’, ‘structure’, and ‘accuracy’, just corresponding to four subabilities of integrating ability: ‘able to grasp the key points’, ‘able to transform complexities into simplicities’, ‘able to express well’, ‘able to comprehend correctly’ in turn. After appraising the writings of the students, we can acquire the scores on each aspect of each student, standing for the performance of four subabilities of integrating ability of the students. We might obtain the relations between ‘integrating ability’ and ‘the learning of physics and the other subjects’ via statistically analyzing ‘the data derived from summaries and thoughts writing’ and ‘the norm of the learning achievement of each subject’. The result of this study shows : (1) Integrating ability could explain over half the total variance of physics learning, and it’s the maximum among all the subjects, that is to say, integrating ability affects physics learning considerably in the positive way, and the degree of influence of integrating ability on physics learning is more remarkable than all the other subjects. (2) The influence of ‘able to transform complexities into simplicities’ is the most significant one of the four subabilities of integrating ability, then ‘able to comprehend correctly’, ‘able to grasp the key points’, and ‘able to express well’ in sequence.


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