  • 學位論文


Research on curriculum and teaching problems happened on the transition of kindergarten and primary school and what coping strategies are effective on these problems

指導教授 : 張景媛


摘 要 本研究在探討有關幼小銜接中課程與教學的相關問題與因應策略的效果,共有五項研究目的: 一、了解目前幼托園所大班學童在進入國小就讀時,因「課程與教學」上的不同,而產生在學習與生活適應上的各項問題。 二、探究目前家長、幼兒教師、小學低年級教師為解決幼小銜接適應問題,有哪些因應策略的介入。 三、綜合文獻分析,以九年一貫課程為基礎,提出一般小學在幼小銜接課程與教學適應問題上的因應策略,進行銜接適應的教學方案設計。 四、針對現行國小一年級之課程,結合「幼小銜接課程與教學因應策略」之教學方案,進行實驗教學,以評估此教學方案的的可行性與有效性。 五、依據實驗教學之結果,提出具體、適切、可行的「幼小銜接課程與教學因應策略」,以提供教育行政主管機關、幼托園所及一般國民小學低年級教師在幼小銜接相關問題與政策上之參考。 本研究結合質性研究的文獻資料蒐集、幼小教師訪談、教學歷程觀察、文件分析法與量化研究的問卷調查法、實驗研究法,進行幼小銜接因應策略的驗證。依據研究目的與方法,本研究獲致下列結論: 一、現階段九年一貫課程的實施下,幼小銜接問題仍然存在,且幼小階段間包括:教學方式、班級經營、常規管理、課程設計、評量方式、教室規劃與情境佈置、親師溝通方式等七項類型的差異問題,是造成許多幼小銜接適應問題的主因。 二、幼小銜接現階段的適應問題包括: (一)生活領域適應問題:如常規適應、人際關係的適應、生活自理的適應。 (二)學習領域適應問題:如課程內容、學習環境、學習態度、學習方法。 三、現階段幼小銜接適應的因應策略 (一)幼兒教師的銜接因應策略:1、幼小教師教學觀摩與銜接座談;2、讓幼兒共同參與小學活動,熟悉小學型態;3、參觀小學校園與上課的情形;4、在大班期末進行小一環境與作息之模擬銜接。 (二)小學教師銜接因應策略:1、加強孩子的生活教育與對學習環境的熟悉;2、具體規範生活常規,鼓勵增強孩子的良好行為;3、重視親師合作,強化與家長的溝通;4、漸進式的團體規範與常規管理;5、教師教學理念與心態的調整 四、幼小銜接實驗教學方案的整合型因應策略:1、以多元智慧為核心的主題式統整課程;2、重視學習情境中師生同儕的鷹架互動;3、強調生活課程的真實體驗與做中學;4、增加適性與自主的彈性課程設計;5、延伸綜合活動領域之幼小銜接活動課程;6、強化親師合作,運用家長支援與資源;7、開放教育的核心理念。 五、幼小銜接課程與教學因應策略教學方案之成效 (一)銜接因應策略對學習生活適應表現之增進效果,獲得支持。 (二)相較於一般小學教學模式,銜接因應策略除能維持穩定的學習效果,對於國語科學業成就表現的增進效果,也獲得支持。 根據結論提出以下研究建議: 一、對未來幼小銜接課程與教學因應策略之建議:1、規畫連貫性的課程與教學;2、增加大班幼兒與小一學童相互參訪互動的機會;3、培育幼小階段教育專業的教師;4、培養幼兒進入小學基本的能力與發展;5、幼小學習情境的延伸與應用;6、配合各方面人員的投入參與銜接輔導;7、整合知情意行的銜接因應策略。 二、對教育行政主管機關之建議:1、統整幼稚園與小學的課程領域標準與教學規範;2、調高小一師生比例,考量課後托育問題;3、幼托整合與幼小師資合流培育之整體思維;4、研擬規劃九十五學年度國教向下延伸至K教育的銜接方案。 三、對後續研究者之建議:1、進行全國性的幼小銜接現況調查;2、從幼托園所立場進行幼小銜接的評估;3、對來自不同幼托園所的幼兒進行評估;4、考量特定對象的孩子,探討銜接適應的相關問題。


Abstract There are five purposes to aim at on this research. 1.To know what problems kids may encounter in learning and adapting themselves into primary school life after they graduate from the kindergarten. 2.To realize how parents, preschool teachers, and primary school teachers deal with kids’ adaptation problems. 3.To come up with coping strategies and teaching plans based on the analysis of education documentary and Grade 1-9 Curriculum. 4.To evaluate the practicalities and effectiveness of the teaching plans after experimenting with them in the first grade class. 5.To provide practical coping strategies which education ministries, preschool and primary school teachers can use as a reference when they make education policies or deal with transition related problems. The ways on this research to prove how coping strategies work are to analyze lots of quality researches, documents, and questionnaires for preschool and primary school teachers, and to observe teaching process, etc. The following are the results of this research. 1. The transition related problems mainly result from the differences such as teaching methods, class management, classroom rules, lesson planning between preschool and primary school. 2. Adaptation problems come from both learning and life. For instance, building up new friendship, complying with new behavior codes and taking care of everything in life by themselves. Besides, they need to adapt to a new learning environment and construct a new attitude toward learning. 3. As for coping strategies, what preschool teachers can do is to arrange meetings with primary school teachers to enhance mutual understanding on teaching issues. In addition to it, they can arrange activities for kids to visit primary schools to be more familiar with campus of the primary schools and teaching styles. To make kids get accustomed to new school codes and classroom rules. 4. Experimental teaching plans which involve multi-intellectual and open-minded rationale let kids learn by doing and experiencing. They also emphasize the scaffold interaction between teachers and students. The resource from parents can be considered while designing a teaching plan. 5. Comparing to the general teaching modes in the primary school, the experimental teaching plans can’t only improve kids’ adaptation and performance in learning Chinese but also stabilize learning effect. According to the results of this research, some suggestions are listed below. 1. Suggestions about the curriculum and teaching (a)Designing coherent curricula and teaching schedules(b)Offering more activities for preschool and primary school kids to interact with each other(c)Nurturing more professional teachers for preschool and primary school (d)Developing kindergarten kids’ abilities to make themselves fit after entering the primary school and extending learning environments to the primary school. 2. Suggestions for education ministries (a)Integrating curriculum standards and teaching regulations set for preschool and primary school (b)Raising the pupil-teacher ratio and considering to offer after school care(c)Unifying preschool education and thinking of the unification of the preparation normal education for preschool and primary school teachers(d)Scheming to extend compulsory education policy to kindergarten stage for the semester of Year 95. 3. Suggestions for future studies (a)Surveying present situations of the transition of kindergarten and primary school(b)Making assessments on transition from preschools’ point of view(c)Evaluating kids from different kindergartens(d)Studying a particular group of kids on their adaptation related problems.




