  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 張建成


本研究旨在探討目前國小教師參與班群教學的歷程與問題,並對教師參與過程中所呈顯的專業行為內涵加以分析,以作為爾後實施班群模式之參考。 本研究兼採文獻探討及質性研究方法。首先,透過文獻分析,探討有關團隊的概念、班群教學與教師專業行為的理論基礎。其次,研究者分別在台北市兩所國小各選取一個班群、共十二位教師作為研究對象。根據文獻探討結果,編製訪談大綱,進行訪談、歸納與分析。最後,根據研究結論,提出具體建議。 本研究綜合文獻探討及質性研究之結果,獲得以下之結論: 一、班群教學實施的歷程:班群形成是漸進的轉化過程,有其應考量要件。團隊學習係以對話機制和教師省思為基礎;班群在強調團隊績效時,宜保有個別的獨特性。 二、班群教學實施的問題:教師工作負荷過重與時間嚴重不足、學校行政扮演推手可能觸發壓力與干擾、及班群團隊有時亦會衍生衝突。 三、教師參與班群教學的專業行為:班群教師透過合作強化教學效能、班群合作之榮譽表現,激勵教師持續參與和專業成長、團隊學習匯聚的能量,提昇專業承諾、班群的團隊共享,形塑教師正向文化、班群模式有助於推動九年一貫課程之實施、促成親師互動的正向轉變。 基於上述結論,本研究提出以下建議: 一、教育行政主管機關考慮訂頒班群教師榮譽證照制度或提供專案補助經費,統 教育政策與行政命令,以利班群模式之推展。 二、學校行政單位宜鼓勵教師參加課程相關發表活動,規畫辦理團隊教學知能研習,建立班群教學專業資料庫及課程與教學評鑑機制,發展學習型組織。 三、學校教師應善用知識管理策略,並保持開放學習的心胸。 四、師資培育及研習機構開設有關協同教學與團隊學習的課程,並由研習單位邀請績效卓著之班群或教學團隊分享相關經驗。 五、後續研究時,考慮擴大研究樣本選擇範圍、針對教師文化議題進行探究,並兼採量化研究方法。


This study aims to explore the current participation condition about the class-group model of elementary school teachers. By analyzing the professional behavior of the teachers, hopefully some insight can be provided to contribute to the implementation process in the future. This study adopted both the method of literature review and interview. Literature review was used to examine the concept of group, the theoretical basis of the class-group teaching model, and teacher’s professional behavior. Twelve teachers from two schools in Taipei city, representing two class-groups, were sampled for this study. The teachers were interviewed and substantial suggestions were proposed by the result of the research. The conclusions are as follows: Ⅰ. Concerning the progress of the implementation of the model: team teaching should be based in dialogic mechanism and teachers’ introspection. Ⅱ. Issues to be dealt with: the heavy burden of teachers, the problems brought along by the intervention of the school administration units and the clash among the members of the class-group model. Ⅲ. The professional behaviors of teachers: team teaching could strengthen the efficiency of teaching; a collective sense of honor inspires teachers to maintain professional growth and to enhance professional commitment; the class-group model molds positive sub-culture of teachers and contributes to the implementation of the Grade 1-9 Curriculum and also, to strengthen the interaction between parents and teachers. From the conclusions above, this study proposes the following suggestions: Ⅰ. The administration institutions can set up honorary certificate system or provide financial assistance. Various education policies and administration regulations should all be integrated under a clear guideline. Ⅱ. The administration units in schools should encourage teachers to participate in relevant learning activities to build up professional teaching database and suitable evaluation mechanism to cultivate learning organizations. Ⅲ. Primary school teachers should take good use of the strategy of knowledge management and remain openhearted towards new knowledge. Ⅳ. The professional training departments of teachers should regularly invite class groups with distinctive working effects to share about their relevant experience. Ⅴ. The following research can expand the research samples so as to further explore the issue of teacher’s culture.


