  • 學位論文


The Study of the Natural Hazard Perception and Education ----a Case of Flood Hazard Area in Shijr Township

指導教授 : 蔡慧敏


在防災教育發展過程中扮演推動角色的政府部門與學術單位雖然己有許多災害相關研究,也有各項防災研究結果的呈現,不過防災主體中的災區居民,似乎尚未能與政府推動的腳步接軌,本研究嘗試由居民的角度出發,從下而上地對居民災害識覺與教育之需求作一通盤瞭解,藉由此一基礎研究,提供未來相關單位發展防災教育策略之參考。 研究過程乃是透過針對臺灣地區易有水患之汐止地區居民從事問卷調查方法進行資料蒐集,共發出450份問卷,回收400份,其中有效問卷共計350份。經描述性統計分析後,本研究根據研究問題加以分析,獲得情境因素、認知因素與回應三個面向之結果: 一、 情境因素:(1)政府等公部門對於災害之預防與疏散時之宣導尚待加強。(2)居民有經濟、空間、就業等情境因素之限制。 二、 認知因素:(1)只有不到三成的回答者感覺「颱風規模愈來愈大」,但有超過六成的回答者感覺到「水患規模越來越大」與「乾雨季節不規律的情形」。(2)資訊來源多為傳播媒體(66.6%,電視報導、報紙、電視氣象台);預警部分則依賴村里長、收音機(電池)之電台廣播、巡迴廣播車的比例從11.4%增加為23.8%;當疏散時,回答者依賴村里長與廣播車為重要決策依據的比例從資訊來源的6.3%增為31.7%。(3)作答者傾向將水患之發生歸因於人為因素(約69.1%),而非氣候異常因素(4.7%)所致。 三、 回應:(1)本研究的回答者當中有90.7%經歷過水患,其中有將近六成(58%)的回答者曾因為水患而有生命或財產損失。(2)經歷過水患的九成回答者中,約四成(41%)左右的回答者疏散過,且事後受到慈濟等公益團體協助最多(40%),獲得政府相關部門協助者只有28.6%。(3)研究也發現,回答者曾受災且有損失之經驗,對於未來風險識覺與災害之調適有顯著相關:有採取減災行動的回答者中,多數(71%)為曾經在水患中遭受損失者。(4)經歷水患的九成回答者中,有44.7%的回答者想要遷徙。(5)回答者有89%的比例會擔心水患再次來臨,只有46%的回答者有採取防災的具體措施,只有約36%的回答者願意購買水災險。(6)未來防災資訊需求:只有8.5%的回答者認為關於氣象災害的教育是充足的;回答者普遍(均高於70%)認為要加強颱風災害、水患與疏散和乾雨季節不規律的教育,其中尤以水患與疏散的比例最高(84.7%)。 研究發現,居民對於「平時減災、災前整備、災時應變、災後重建」等步驟,仍是比較沒有頭緒與條理的。對於已經完成學業的居民來說,學校教育能夠發揮的效用已經不大,平時民防訓練之動員與落實,尤其是地方生活圈中的鄰里長、社區管委會等角色,才是真正能夠與居民站在第一線的資源。


自然災害 災害識覺 洪水 汐止 防災教育


This research aims to explore the residents’ perception and needs of education about hazard mitigation by a questionnaire survey of residents at flood hazard area of Shijr Township, Taiwan. Among 500 distributed questionnaires, 400 research participants respond and 350 prove valid. According to the research questions, the important results including three dimensions of this research : situational factors, cognitive factors, and responses. The results are as follows: 1. situational factors : (1)The official departments should make effort to publicize the hazard mitigation and evocation.(2)The residents are restricted by economic, space, and occupation factors. 2. cognitive factors : (1)Less than 30% of respondents felt significant changes of typhoons or storms, but more than 60% of respondents perceive a worsening of flood frequency in recent years.(2)Most respondents(66.6%)received hazard information from mass media(TV channel, newspapers, weather channel).Warming information from the neighborhood and radio and broadcasting car becomes higher(11.4% to 23.8%). Evacuation information from the neighborhood and broadcasting car becomes much higher(6.3% to 31.7%).(3)69.1% of the respondents believed that floods are caused by certain inappropriate development factors rather than extreme climatic events. The study reveals that people are more sensitive to human-induced hazards than to climate change. 3. responses :(1)90.7%of respondents have flood hazard experience, 58% of them had got loss in past hazards .(2)41% of them have evacuated, and when evacuating, the most support they have received from public welfare groups(40%),especially Tzuchi, rather than local government(28.6%).(3)There is a notable correlation between future hazard perception , the adjustment behaviors and whether people ever suffered and got loss: 71% of respondents taking hazard mitigation actions are those who have ever got loss.(4)44.7% of respondents who have flood hazard experience consider to move away.(5)89% of respondents worry about next hazard, but 46% of respondents do take hazard mitigation actions and 36% of respondents would buy flood insurance.(6)About hazard mitigation information, only 8.5% of the respondents feel that education of meteorology hazard is sufficient ;more than 70%of the respondents suggest that the channels of hazard prevention and protection education have to be broaden, especially flood and evacuation. Most of the residents are no orderliness about hazard mitigation, preparation, response to emergency, and reconstruction. For the residents who have finished school education, training and mobilization from their own livelihood communities are the first line effective resources.


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