  • 學位論文


A Study on a Chinese teacher's deliberation process of design Reading and Writing curriculum in a Junior High School

指導教授 : 王秀玲教授


本研究旨在探討國中國文教師設計閱讀與寫作課程的慎思歷程,研究內容包括:讀寫課程設計的理念、教學步驟、慎思考量層面及其影響因素。研究的進行主要由理論來分析課程慎思的內涵與歷程,再進入教學現場觀察課程實施的狀況,並得以隨時觀察訪談研究對象,以蒐集更完整的資料。 本研究主要以一位資深優良的國中國文教師為研究對象,採用觀察、訪談,以及文件分析等方法進行研究。研究結論歸納為: 壹、讀寫課程應是主流課程,教師以正向積極的人格特質實踐讀寫課程理念。 貳、規劃長遠、有步驟的讀寫課程系統,參考「三年計畫、一路微調」,「少量多餐、循序漸進」的原則,擷取「讀寫結合點」以聯繫閱讀和寫作教學。 參、編輯補充教材,以閱讀教學策略奠基,利用聯絡簿鍛鍊構句,依寫作教材進行限制式寫作訓練,由學生、家長的角度思維,由字而句、由句而段、由段成篇的原則,合於學生學習歷程。 肆、訓練學生穩定的學習習慣,依各班學習狀況隨時調整。授課前構思、課中活動引導、觀摩與分享,並將學生作品電子化。 伍、教師發揮課程慎思的精神,不斷延伸構思課程的深度與廣度,符合理性、循環、反覆、修正的特質,參考「課程實踐的生態模式」,因時制宜進行調整,肩負慎思者、主導者的核心任務。 陸、教師積極參與課程小組進行團體慎思,推動學校形成慎思文化,並持續積極進修、提升專業知能,以迎接日新月異的教學環境。 最後依據研究結論,分別對教育行政主管機關、學校行政、教師以及後續相關研究提出建議。


The purpose of this study is to explore the deliberation process of a Chinese teacher’s design the reading and writing curriculum in a Junior High School. The subject involves the connotation of curriculum deliberation, including the logos of designing curriculum, curriculum contents, teaching procedure, deliberation-decker, and determinant. This research takes a Chinese teacher in a junior high school in Taipei County as a case study. The data are collected through participant observation, interviews, as well as literature analysis was conducted. The main findings in this case study are as follows: Reading and writing curriculum should be the main curriculums. The deliberation process relates closely to teachers' characteristics, such as: teacher’s personality, and teaching idea etc. Therefore, teacher should have a positive personality to fulfill the pedagogies. Adopting "three-year schedule"、"step-by-step" stragedies to plan a long-term and systematic curriculum in order to connect reading and writing pedagogies. In accordance with teaching process、student's' degree and parents' expection, teachers can compose teaching materials themselves, to improve students' ability via words、sentences、paragraph to artices. Teachers could help students' to establish a steady studying habit. Through designing and arranging the activities to lead their learning. Finally to share and computerize students’ works. The factors which affected teacher’s teaching deliberation process are teachers、curriculums、subject matter as well as students. Curriculum deliberation is rational、circular、repeating and correctional. Teachers' mission is to adjust the reading and writing curriculum to hold their responsibility. Teachers active and positive attitudes to research the curriculum 、take part in teachers' stdying group to introspect themselves. From the above findings and conclusions, some suggestions are made for educational administrative institutions, school administration, junior high school Chinese teachers, and further future study for their reference.




