  • 學位論文


Relations between Job Stress and Job Satisfaction — A Case Study of Section Chiefs of Physical Education in Public Junior High Schools in Taiwan Area

指導教授 : 鄭志富


本研究旨在瞭解臺灣地區公立國民中學體育組長工作壓力與工作滿意之關係,並經由不同背景變項之探討,比較兩者之差異。本研究以702位國民中學體育組長為研究對象,以自編之「臺灣地區公立國民中學體育組長工作壓力與工作滿意調查問卷」進行調查。研究結果以描述統計、單因子多變項變異數分析及典型相關進行統計分析,並將研究結果綜整討論 後,獲得以下結論: 一、 國民中學體育組長工作壓力以工作負荷的壓力最高,其次為專業成長及學生管理壓力,而以人際關係的壓力感受最低,顯示體育組長具有一定程度的工作壓力存在;工作滿意以同事滿意度最高,其次為主管及工作本身,而對薪資的滿意度最低。 二、 年齡較輕、教學年資較淺、兼職組長年資較淺及薪資較低的體育組長有較高的工作壓力,年輕及資淺之體育組長,對工作的期望強烈,凡事往自己身上攬,但是,工作的付出與實際獲得的報酬不成正比,投資與報酬率不成正比,面對工作壓力的調適不若資深體育組長有較豐富的經驗 ,因此,年輕及資淺的體育組長工作壓力較高。 三、 年齡較大、教學年資較長、兼職組長年資較久及薪資較高的體育組長有較高的工作滿意,年齡較大及教學年資較久的體育組長在學校中屬長老級人物,對學校環境熟悉,會適時調整個人期望,且因薪資較高使得對提升生活品質有正面助益,因此,較資深體育組長有較高工作滿意。 四、 國民中學體育組長工作壓力變項與工作滿意變項存在典型相關,其中以工作壓力構面中的「專業成長」影響工作滿意構面中的「工作本身」,亦即當體育組長的專業成長壓力愈高時會降低工作本身滿意度。 基於以上發現,建議體育組長多參加專業知能研習以補足經驗上之不足,並多請益年資較久之體育先進,讓體育組長做決定時不致太倉促,辦 理活動時能更臻圓滿。


This study aims to probe the relations between job stress and job satisfaction of section chiefs of physical education (PE chiefs) in public junior high schools in Taiwan area, and to discover the effects of different background variables on job stress and job satisfaction. A total of 702 PE chiefs in public junior high schools are surveyed with “Questionnaire on Job Stress and Job Satisfaction of Section Chiefs of Physical Education in Public Junior High Schools in Taiwan Area,” edited by the advisee. The acquired data were then subject to statistical analysis with descriptive analysis, one way MANOVA and canonicalcorrelation. The results are as follows: a) “Working Load” is the main constituent of PE chiefs’ job stress, followed by “Professional Development” and “Student Management,” while “Personal Relationship” being the least significant. The results show that PE chiefs do have job stress of certain level. As for job satisfaction, satisfaction with “Colleagues” is the highest, followed by satisfaction with “Superiors” and “Job Itself,” while satisfaction with “Salary” being the lowest. b) PE chiefs who have higher job stress share the characteristics of being younger, junior in teaching, lower-paid, and worked as section chiefs for a shorter period of time. PE chiefs who are younger or junior have high expectations toward their jobs, and are more willing to take responsibilities. However, the rewards they receive are often out of proportion to their efforts. Also, they are not as adaptive to job stress as the senior PE chiefs are. As a result, PE chiefs who are younger and junior have higher job stress. c) PE chiefs who have higher job satisfaction share the characteristics of being older, senior in teaching, higher-paid, and worked as section chiefs for a longer period of time. Older PE chiefs who have taught for a longer period of time enjoy seniority in schools. They are more familiar to the school environment, more adaptive as to their expectations, and they are paid higher, which is beneficial to their living quality. As a result, PE chiefs who are senior have higher job satisfaction. d)Canonical correlation was found between “Job Stress” and “Job Satisfaction.” “Professional Development” in the Job Stress dimension is related to “Job Itself” in the Job Satisfaction dimension. In other words, the higher the stress of “Professional Development” in being a PE chief, the lower the satisfaction with “Job Itself.” Based on the findings above, it is suggested that PE chiefs receive in-service education to better their professional knowledge, and consult senior staff in this field to make deliberate decisions and perfect the activities they take responsibility for.


PE chief job stress job satisfaction




