  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 陳秉華


中學輔導人員專業能力「重要程度」與「具備程度」之 調查研究 中文摘要 本研究的目的,在探討中學輔導人員對輔導專業能力的「重要程度」及「具備程度」的看法及差異比較,不同屬性變項的中學輔導人員對輔導專業能力的「重要程度」與「具備程度」的看法、以及不同屬性變項的中學輔導人員在輔導專業能力「重要程度」與「具備程度」所評定的落差(稱為輔導專業能力差距)及其差異情形。研究者自編「中學輔導人員輔導專業能力問卷」,以703名國民中學、高級中學、高級職業學校輔導人員為研究樣本,並以t考驗、單因子變異數分析、單因子多變量分析等統計方法進行資料分析。茲將本研究發現說明如下: 一、中學輔導人員對各項輔導專業能力之重要程度評分頗高,介於「重要」與「非常重要」之間。各項輔導專業能力重要程度由高而低分別是:「危機處理」、「學校輔導工作的基礎」、「個別諮商」、「諮詢」、「輔導課程與活動」、「轉介」、「輔導工作的發展與管理」、「學生資料的建立與運用」、「倡導」,最後則為「團體諮商」。 二、不同學歷、教育背景、職稱、所服務的學生對象、輔導工作年資的中學輔導人員,對各項輔導專業能力「重要程度」的看法沒有差異。 三、中學輔導人員所自評的輔導專業能力具備程度介於「少部分具備」與「大部分具備」之間。各項輔導專業能力具備程度由高而低分別是「學校輔導工作的基礎」、「輔導課程與活動」、「學生資料的建立與運用」、「轉介」、「諮詢」、「個別諮商」、「危機處理」、「輔導工作的發展與管理」、「倡導」,最後則為「團體諮商」。 四、不同學歷、教育背景、職稱、所服務的學生對象、輔導工作年資的中學輔導人員在各項輔導專業能力「具備程度」的評定有不同。 五、中學輔導人員在各項輔導專業能力的「重要程度」與「具備程度」之間的差距有顯著差異 。其差距依大小排列,分別是「團體諮商」、「危機處理」、「倡導」、「個別諮商」、「諮詢 」、「 轉介」、「輔導工作的發展與管理」、「學校輔導工作的基礎」、「學生資料的建立與運用」,差距最小為「輔導課程與活動」。 六、不同學歷、教育背景、職稱、所服務的學生對象、輔導工作年資的中學輔導人員在不同的輔導專業能力差距之評定有差異。 最後,研究者依據本研究結果加以討論,並提出具體建議,以供學校輔導人員、教育主管機關、師資培育單位及未來研究之參考。 關鍵字:學校輔導工作、學校輔導人員、專業能力


A Survey Study on the Degree of Importance and Acquisition of Guidance Professional Competencies Among High School Counselors Jing-Fen Chen Abstract The purpose of the study was threefold: to probe the degree of importance and acquisition of the guidance professional competencies rated by school counselors, to explore the discrepancies between the degree of importance and acquisition of guidance professional competencies among school counselors, as well as to investigate the demographic differences on the importance, acquisition, and the discrepancies between the importance and acquisition of the school counselors. The Scale of the Guidance Professional Competencies (SGPC)which contained ten subscales for Middle and High School Counselors was constructed. The sample consisted of 703 junior high school, senior high school, and vocational high school counselors in Taiwan. Data were analyzed by T-test, one-way ANOVA, and one-way MANOVA. Main findings of this research were as follows: 1. The average degree of importance on SGPC rated by school counselors were ranged from “important” to “very important”. The degree of importance on the ten subscales of SGPC rated from high to low were crisis intervention, the foundation of school counseling, individual counseling, consultation, guidance curriculum and activities, referral, development and management of the school counseling programs, use of the students’ data, advocacy, and group counseling. 2. No significant differences of the degree of importance on SGPC were found among school counselors of different educational level, educational background, job duties, types of students being served, and years of being school counselors. 3. The average degree of acquisition on SGPC rated by school counselors were ranged from “somewhat mastered” to “almost mastered”. The degree of acquisition on the ten subscales of SGPC rated from high to low were the foundation of school counseling, guidance curriculum and activities, use of the students’ data, referral, consultation, individual counseling, crisis intervention, development and management of the school counseling programs, advocacy, and group counseling. 4. Significant difference were found on the degree of acquisition of SGPC among school counselors of different educational level, educational background, job duties, types of students being served, and years of being school counselors. 5. Significant differences were found on the discrepancies between the degree of importance and acquisition. The discrepancies from high to low was group counseling, crisis intervention, advocacy, individual counseling, consultation, referral, development and management of the school counseling programs, the foundation of school counseling, use of the students’ data, and guidance curriculum and activities. 6. Significant differences were found on the discrepancies between the degree of importance and acquisition among school counselors of different educational level, educational background, job duties, types of students being served, and years of being school counselors. Suggestions for future studies were made. Educational implications for high school counselors, educational administrators, as well as school counselor training institutions were discussed based on the results. Key words: school counseling, school counselors, professional competencies.




