  • 學位論文


The Correlation of Grouping Strategy in Group Discussion on Students' Scientific Creativity Performance and Behaviors

指導教授 : 張俊彥


科學的核心在於概念與歷程,透過探究過程理解自然現象、產生概念,並發揮科學創造力將之加以應用在日常生活中,產出科技產品。科學創造力並非天生的,與個人智力也無絕對相關。在過去的研究中反而發現到創造力是可以透過教育訓練培養的,而團體合作的情境是一個可行的方式,但是團體成員的特質會影響團體合作是否成功。於是本研究欲探討不同的分組策略與科學創造力表現以及團體互動歷程中的行為表現的相關性。 本研究利用一少見的生物─巨型海鱗蟲的圖片作為創造力發想的材料,以小組的異質性指數、人格特質和學業成績等分組指標以及小組合作後的產生的新增概念的比例(創造力指數)來評估分組策略與團體表現間的相關性;亦分析團體互動下的搭便車行為與評價憂慮與團體表現間的相關性;以及探討人格特質與行為表現間的相關性。 研究結果顯示,小組分組指標中的異質性指數與創造力指數呈現顯著正相關,而人格特質與學業成績的分組指標則與創造力指數無關。團體情境下的無搭便車行為,且評價焦慮程度為中等,兩者與創造力指數無關。而在人格特質上發現,外向性、開放性和嚴謹性人格與搭便車行為有相關;開放性和情緒穩定性人格則與評價焦慮有顯著負相關。


Scientists understand the nature phenomenon through inquiry process and use scientific creativity to make the technological products or make life better. Human beings are not born with scientific creativity, and also high intelligence is not equal to good scientific creativity. Past studies showed that scientific creativity could be trained, and group cooperation might be one way to train scientific creativity. The success of group cooperation might depends on the traits of members in the group. The study tried to figure out if there are correlations between the following three sets of variables: (1) the different grouping strategies and the mission outcome, (2) the group process and the mission outcome, and (3) the human beings traits and the group process. The results showed that the group heterogeneous index and creativity index had positive correlation, but the human beings traits and academic achievement of the groups had no correlation with creativity index. Free riding and evaluation apprehension also had no correlation with creativity index. However, there was correlation between extroversion, openness, conscientiousness traits and free riding. Extroversion, emotional stability traits had negative correlation with evaluation apprehension.


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