  • 學位論文


“Re-Covering”: A Game-Script Design Based on Studies of Lo-Sheng Sanatorium

指導教授 : 范燕秋 許佩賢


樂生療養院對於臺灣公共衛生史而言,是重要的指標。它的意義不僅是記錄、保存漢生病醫療的過去及演進,更是觀察醫療社會史、醫療人權領域的重要標的。 樂生療養院是臺灣唯一的公立漢生病隔離機構。不只是過去收容漢生病患者,在不再施行隔離方針後,仍舊有院民因為種種因素,仍居住、生活於該地。但是在1990年代中期,臺北捷運橘線機場選址於此,院民被迫離開原本的生活場域,具有歷史意義的院區將被拆除,因此開啟樂生院相關的社會運動。而除了社運,還有什麼方法,可以在抵抗之外開啟新的溝通模式嗎?我認為「遊戲」與「故事」的組合是個好答案。 遊戲是很難被定義,但卻是人類的本能,人類透過遊戲學習各類技能與知識,而故事會吸引人,激起想知道後續的慾望。坊間已經有許多結合好故事的遊戲,因此深植人心,成為一代人共通的話題。那是否可以結合樂生院的故事,利用發生在樂生院的事情設計遊戲,進而讓參與遊戲的人,接收到知識並且因為故事而開始關心樂生院議題? 從以上的期望出發,本文依據關於樂生療養院的各類研究、口述材料等等成果,設計遊戲腳本。利用這些材料擷取我認為關於這個議題的重要知識,將之轉化後,用不一樣的方式將知識轉譯面向大眾。期望用體驗喚起行動,讓參與過的人願意開始知悉、關心後,參與樂生院議題。


Upon the history of Taiwan Public health, Lo-Sheng Sanatorium is considered unique. Lo-Sheng Sanatorium, as a place, perseveres not only the past and endeavour of curing Hansen's-Disease but everything about people who lived and live there. It is also enlightening to observe as a landmark standing for the rights of patients and health care and the social history of medicine and health. Dated back to 1930, as the only national Hansen's-Disease Sanatorium, it contained people suffering from Hansen's-Disease, and attempted to cure them. Even if the isolating policy ended in 1962, people still couldn’t leave for outside for certain reasons. Their time and lives iced at the very spot. While those people settled for Lo-Sheng Sanatorium as their home, the same location has been marked as the building land of MRT in the middle 1990s, despite the meaningful edifice and the people who kept being asked to surrender to the public interest. As a result, several movements were evoked, trying to resist the so-called inevitable. Though social movements are essential in my point of view, I still keep trying to find new ways to communicate to replace the old way which is fighting against each other. Eventually, I consider "Stories" and "Gaming" as the solutions based on my personal experiences. It is almost impossible to define "Gaming" precisely, humans, yet, learn things through gaming, while it is our nature to be attracted by marvellous stories. A lot of games and stories had ascended the throne, claiming their places in the hearts of the whole generation and became the connection between worlds. It occurs to me that combining ‘Gaming,’ ‘stories’ and ‘Lo-Sheng Sanatorium’ might be a new approach to make differences. My work is to translate the knowledge and the experiences into gaming, a more understandable form. I picked and reform them into a game-script design, persevering fundamentals. Through my work, stories will be presented to players in games with more understanding, evoking them willing to speak up for those in need. I believe this approach is alternative and capable of displaying knowledge and evoking actions afterwards.


