  • 學位論文


Convenience Stores and the Urban Space of Consumer Culture in Taipei

指導教授 : 郭肇立


「便利商店」是台灣的都市空間中普遍可尋的店家,本研究從便利商店消費文化及空間與都會現代性的探討,釐清便利商店之消費意涵,配合資料蒐集、訪談和運用GIS地理資訊系統呈現台北市便利商店資訊與圖面,解釋便利商店在台北市之空間結構之關係。 本研究認為便利商店高密度發展,在社會方面因世代變遷時空壓縮,社會大眾日常生活型態改變,對於「時間」有迫切需求,所以便利商店提供便利消費空間。在空間面向便利商店的發展是仰賴現代化都市空間的土地使用規劃與交通系統;棋盤式整齊的交通網絡,利於便利商店設置在街角容易讓顧客前往購物;土地使用規劃是限定,讓便利商店服務性商品得以在台北市住宅社區內有所發展的契機。 然而便利商店提出全球在地化的調整,其實是將標準化、全球化的商業空間運用在地性作為外在的包裝,以契合地方特性以獲取顧客認同,吸引消費者不斷的前往購物。連鎖式便利商店的消費場所不存在店主與顧客情感互動空間,大眾前往便利商店僅是單純的消費物品或意象。因此連鎖體系的全球性消費空間充斥台北市的都市空間,台北市的消費地景逐漸由類似便利商店此種包覆在地形象卻是全球標準化的店鋪佔據,使得台北市都市空間被視為特殊或值得記憶的性質地方性空間逐漸喪失,都市空間人與人之間互動的空間沒入於全球化的環節,快速、理性、物化的空間替代甚至取代較為情感、人性、特殊性的空間。


"Convenience stores" are the shops generally found in Taiwan's urban space. The study from the convenience stores, the consumer culture and the urban space of modernity facilitate the meaning of consumer more clear with data collection, interviews and the use of a Geographic Information System to show Taipei convenience stores information and to explain the relationship between convenience stores on Taipei's spatial structure. In this study, with the high-density development of convenience stores, in a social context changes due to compression of time and space, established patterns of daily life will change in the general public, there is an urgent demand for "time", so convenience stores provide convenient consumptive space. The development of convenience stores rely on the modernization of urban space land-use planning and transportation system; the regular checkerboard of the transport network, in favor of convenience stores located in the corner for customers shopping easily; land-use planning is limited, so convenience stores ministrant commodity have the opportunity to develop in residential communities in Taipei City. However, the convenience stores present the change of gloacalization, in fact, it use the globalization of commercial space as local outside of packaging in order to fit the local characteristics to obtain the customer approval, and to attract consumers to shop constantly. Chain convenience stores of consumer premises does not exist emotional interaction between constomers and sellers, the general public to the convenience stores is just a simple consumer goods or image. Therefore, Chain system of global consumer space is full of in Taipei city, Taipei consumptive landscape gradually is occupied by such similar convenience stores which are covered by local image but global standardization, and make the Taipei city be regarded as the exceptional or the worth memory gradual loss of local space, and the interaction between urban space disappear because of globalization, rapid, rational, or transformative space and even replace the more emotional, humanistic, particular space.


何春蕤(1994),「台灣的麥當勞化—跨國服務業資本的文化邏輯」,『台灣社會研究季刊』第16期,p 1-20。
