  • 學位論文


Effect of urbanization on changes of land cover and ecosystem service in agricultural area.

指導教授 : 黃書禮


早期台灣都市周邊地區是農業發展重要的地方,然而在現今農地空間因台灣經濟高度發展與社會結構的轉變下,都市周邊地區的土地使用與地表覆蓋經常受到都市蔓延之影響,都市周邊地區的維生環境亦受到威脅。而台北-桃園地區是台灣近幾十年來都市化嚴重,人口最多、成長最快速的區域,尤其又以淡水河以西,大漢溪以北至沿海地區的桃園台地地區地表覆蓋變遷(land-cover change)最急遽。而環境資源被過度利用,農地空間持續減少的結果,造成綠地空間破碎化,農地規模逐漸縮小、零碎且分散,不但影響原有的景觀生態,對都市提供的生態系統服務(ecosystem service)也逐漸在改變。本研究以景觀生態學(landscape ecology)為基礎,應用1971、1990、2006年,三個年度的衛星影像圖,將研究地區地表覆蓋分成四類:森林、農地空間、建成地、河川。然後運用景觀生態評估指數(landscape metrics)與景觀網絡分析(network analysis),並結合FRAGSTATS與地理資訊系統(GIS)進行桃園台地地區土地使用改變的分析,計算景觀生態評估指標包括:嵌塊體面積(CA)、嵌塊體數目(NP)、最大嵌塊體指標(LPI)、平均區塊面積(MPS)、邊緣總長度(TE)、邊長密度(ED)、平均最鄰近距離(MNN)、嵌塊體聚集指標(PCI);景觀網絡分析包括:γ指數、α指數、埤塘數量、匯入埤塘的渠道數量、灌排渠道的數量、灌排渠道相交點數量、灌排渠道總長等。本研究探討在不同空間尺度下農地空間的景觀變遷,及都市化對農地空間生態網絡、水體廊道造成的衝擊。並歸納地表覆蓋變遷對農地綠空間生態系統服務的改變產生之衝擊與課題。研究發現桃園台地地區1971年時農地空間仍為主要基質,但至2006年主要基質由農地空間轉變成建成地。農地景觀網絡的空間分布均受到都市發展的影響,變遷劇烈的地區包括桃園市、中壢市、平鎮市、楊梅鎮、龍潭鄉等區皆受到重大建設破壞與都市計畫地區的影響。在非都市計畫地區比都市計畫地區嚴重;都市發展改變土地使用,造成農地渠道與埤塘的流失,灌排渠道的相互連結減少。原本農地資源提供的糧食生產與水文調節功能等生態系統服務也漸消失。


Peri-urban areas is important for Taiwan’s agricultural development in the past, but, due to the rapid economic development and change in social structure, the land-use and land-cover in the peri-urban area have been affected by urban sprawl and threatening the function of life-supporting environment. Taipei-Taoyuan area is the most rapid urbanized area in Taiwan, especially in the Taoyuan Plain surrounded by Tanshui river and the Tahan Creek. The rapid changes in land cover in Taoyuan Plain has resulted in the over utilization of environmental resources and agricultural green space has continued to decline, causing fragmentation of green space, and the shrinkage of agricultural land. The fragmented and scattered agricultural land not only affect the existing landscape characteristics, the peri-urban ecosystem services to city also changed gradually. This research is based on the concept of landscape ecology and used the land cover and satellite images of 1971, 1990, 2006 to classify the study area into four types of land covers: forest, agricultural land, built-up area, and river. Landscape metrics and landscape network analysis were used, via the application of FRAGSTATS and GIS, for the analysis of land cover change in the study area. The landscape metrics used in this research includes: Class area (CA), Number of patches (NP), Largest patch index (LPI), Mean patch size (MPS), Total edge (TE), Edge density (ED), Mean nearest neighbor (MNN), Patch cohesion index (PCI). Landscape network analysis includes: γ-index, α-index, number of pond, number of linkages, number of node, and node type to analyze the agricultural land cover changes in different spatial scales, and the impact of urbanization on eco-network of agricultural open space. The effects and issues of land cover change on agricultural ecosystem services are summarized. As a result, the major matrix of Taoyuan Plain were agricultural land in 1971, but the major matrix in the area has changed into built-up area in 2006. The landscape network and spatial distribution of agricultural landscape are influenced by urban development. The areas with significant changes include Taoyuan City, Jhongli City, Pingjhen City, Yangmei Township, Longtan township and other urban planned districts which are subject to construction of public facilities. The changes of land cover and eco-network are more serious in non-urban planning area than in urban planned district. Urban development has resulted in the loss of agricultural pond and irrigation canals. The ecosystem services provided by agricultural land also lost gradually.


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陳麒如(2017)。系統景觀保護規劃法對於生態系統之影響 -以陳有蘭溪為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201701362
