  • 學位論文


A Location-allocation Model for Senior Citizens Communities Planning

指導教授 : 林楨家


台灣已正式邁入高齡化社會之林,對居住與生活機能的調適不僅是高齡者必須面對的課題,同時也是政府部門照顧高齡者的責任。目前政府對高齡者施政方針缺乏自主生活的引導與區位配置,為了有效落實高齡者對住宅社區的各項期待於實體空間規劃之中,本研究目的在建立適合高齡者生活的住宅社區之區位規劃模式,作為規劃高齡者住宅社區之輔助工具。並應用此模式分析台北市萬華區,以驗證模式之適當性與實用性,最後將分析結果具體提供台北市政府都市規劃單位參考。 研究流程包括四個階段:第一階段界定研究主題與研究內容;第二階段根據研究主題蒐集資料並歸納整理;第三階段根據文獻整理建構模式;第四階段應用模式於實例分析地區以產生方案並進行政策分析以模擬未來可能施行之政策情境。本研究使用土地使用適宜性分析與數學規劃方法將模式設計為多目標混合整數規劃問題型態;考量不同關係者對規劃結果之需求,故設計外部環境適宜性最大化、配置規模最大化以及開發成本最小化三個目標;而考量實質環境所能提供規劃高齡者住宅社區所需之資源,故設計基地開發規模、住宅社區容量、居住需求以及值域宣告四種限制條件;最後則根據模式本身特性選擇以ε-限制法求解。 實例分析以民國96年為基礎年、民國106年為目標年,結果共產生四組不同型態的住宅社區配置規劃方案,依據求解結果反映在模式目標的表現值,可整理為著重經濟弱勢、著重最大環境適宜性及整體居住需求、著重環境適宜性與開發成本間平衡,以及著重整體環境適宜性與滿足居住需求間平衡之四種高齡者住宅社區之配置結果。據此模式設計與規劃方案結果可提供政府空間規劃部門作為邁向高齡化社福利社會之具體實施策略過程中的參考。


Taiwan has already become an aging society. Reforming living environments to meet elder’s needs is not only elder’s expectations, but also the government’s responsibility. The government's present policies for senior citizens lack the planning of independent life and residential locations. To meet elder’s needs on living environments in physical planning, this study aims at developing a location-allocation model as an auxiliary analysis tool for planners in senior citizens communities planning. The developed model was applied to the case study of Wanhua District, Taipei City, to verify the applicability and reasonableness of model. The planning results of case study offer concrete recommendations to Taipei City Government. There are four phases in this study: The first phase is clarifying research topic and contents; and then, a literature review was done according to the research topic; thirdly, a location-allocation model was developed, and the last phase is applying the model to the case study of wanhua for creating alternatives and proceeding policy analyses. This study employed land-use suitability analysis and mathematical programming approach to design the model as a multi-objective mixed integer programming problem. The model considers three objectives for different stakeholders: maximizing environmental suitability, maximizing developed dwelling units and minimizing development costs, with the following constraints: upper and lower bounds of development scale for each site, dwelling unit demands and value ranges of decision variables. According to the model characteristics, this study applied ε-constraint method to solve the developed model. The case study was progressed in the base year of 2007 and in the target year of 2017. Four alternatives of senior citizens community plans were produced with different features: emphasizing economic minorities, emphasizing environmental suitability and dwelling unit demands, emphasizing the balance between environmental suitability and development costs and emphasizing the balance between environmental suitability and dwelling unit demands. The model development and applications of this study contribute to government spatial planning department in developing strategies of moving towards an aging benefit society.


