  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 劉坤億
共同指導教授 : 孫本初 江岷欽(Min-Ching Chiang)


我國警政與治安,隨著政治、經濟及社會環境變遷各有階段性發展。人民對治安的需求為何,警政策略該如何規劃,目前警政策略是否足以達到民眾對治安之需求,一直是社會大眾所關注的核心問題。警政與治安是息息相關,良好的治安亦有賴健全的警政體制。作者從許多警政理論與我國警政策略發展的過程中瞭解到,警察和民間社區團體的網絡建構,大多透過政府內部機制去運行。社區中的小社群或民眾等多元行動者,係基於共創安全家居環境之理念,自願或被強迫地與警察合作,進而形成治安網絡。   作者整理我國過去數十年來警政概念與治安策略之變遷,瞭解治安問題及需求,亦體會到許多治安策略在觀念上,受到國際全球化與國內民主化的影響,往往早已隱含著網絡治理之理論意涵,已非傳統以政府為中心之治理模式。因此,本文的研究目的是,以網絡治理觀點為切入角度,探討警政機關角色定位之轉變,結合學理及實務,釐清警政與治安間的互動關係,提供建議,達到政府改善治安之目標。 在研究方法上,作者以文獻探討法及深度訪談法為主。除廣泛蒐集國內、外有關治理、網絡治理、治安、警政勤業務策略規劃相關理論,以及第三造警力、行政協助等相關論著,進行綜整分析歸納,期瞭解網絡治理的概念、理論內容,以及運用於警政與治安策略上的執行作法外,並親自訪談治安網絡裡具代表性的行動者共14名。受訪者包括:專業領域橫跨警政與公共行政、公共政策的學者,服務於北、中、南區經驗豐富且資深的政策執行者,治安網絡中的第三造警力族群,以及政策決策者等人員。   本文研究發現:一、在文獻探討(理論)部分:(一)警政策略是漸進式的調整、(二)警政策略是朝向網絡治理的概念調整、(三)詐騙案件使警政策略加速網絡治理的運用、(四)全民治安概念與第三造警力的倡議、(五)位階與責任顯不相當。二、在深度訪談(實務)部分:(一)警察角色從管制者轉換為兼具服務者、(二)警察機關致力於治安網絡的建置、(三)警察機關在治安網絡中的主導性仍不足、(四)環境變遷造成治安網絡持續擴張、(五)第三造警力仍待持續發展、(六)警政規劃與執行間存在落差、(七)行政協助事項過多而排擠核心業務之執行。   爰提出以下政策建議,包括:一、警政網絡的有效擴散,運用網絡治理的概念,讓公民社會的團體或個人得以對自身所在的環境居所的安全付出心力,為維護共同目標而努力;二、行政協助的合理化:行政長官的威權時代思維延用至今,警察該如何扭轉行政機關與社會大眾的觀念,讓行政協助符合民主法治社會依法行政的運作;三、第三造警力的推動,民力無窮已是警察維護治安不可或缺的夥伴,除加強彼此更緊密的結合,惟如何以法律為基礎去推動,仍待建構完整的配套去執行,以完善國家治安。


With the change of politics, economy and social environment, the Policing and security get gradual development in Taiwan. What needs of security do people want, how to plan policing policy, and whether the current policing policy is sufficient to meet the public demand for security? These are the core issue that public concern. Policing is closely relate to security, and security also depends on a sound system of policing. Through many policing theory and the development process of our policing strategy, I understand that the most of construction of the network between police and civil groups, run through government. The stakeholders as like community or individual, cooperate with police Voluntary or forced, which based on the idea to create a safe home environment, then form security networks. Author generalizes the concept of policing and the change of security strategies in the last few decades, to understand problems and needs, and experience the concept of many security strategies are influenced by globalization and democratization. The concept often has already implied rather the theoretical implications of network governance than the traditional governance model of government-centered. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to explore the changing role of police agencies, and combine theory and practice to clarify the interaction between police and the security relationship, and provide recommendations to achieve the objectives of the government for improving law and order. In research methods, Literature review and depth interviews based are the main methods of this research. Besides that collect the literature about governance, network governance, security, police handling the theory of business strategy planning, and the third party policing, administrative assistance and other related treatises, and analyze theses literature to understand the concept of network governance, theoretical content, and applied to the execution of policing and security on the practice. I also interviewed 14 representative stake holders in security network in personal, including the scholars who expertise in policing, public administration and public policy serving North, experienced and senior policy executors who work in central or southern district, the community of third party policing in security network, and policy makers. This study found that: First, the literature review (theoretical) components: (a) policing is a gradual adjustment, (b) policing is adjusting towards the concept of network governance, (c) the policing of fraud cases to accelerate the use of network management, (d) to initiative the concept of national security police and the third party policing, (e) rank is not equal with responsibilities . Second, in-depth interviews (practical) components: (a) the role of the police who converted both from the control services, (b) the police authority is committed to build network security, (c) the police authorities in the security is still the dominant network inadequate, (d) environmental changes caused by the continued expansion of network security, (e) Third party policing yet to sustainable development, (f) police gap exists between the planning and implementation, (g) excessive administrative assistance in matters of implementation of core business exclusion. Finally, I make some policy suggestion, including first, the police network, the effective diffusion, the use of concepts of network management, so that civil society groups or individuals can work for their own home environment and common goal; second, the rationalization of administrative assistance: the authoritarian era of thinking is still in use today, how the police reverse the administrative authorities and the public's concept and make the executive support to meet the democratic operation of the rule of law ; third, the promotion of third party policing: public is the indispensable partner for police to maintain law, in addition to tighter integration to enhance each other, but how to promote it and improve security based on law, still wait for the construction of appropriate Supporting measures.




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