  • 學位論文


The Theory and Practice of Double Jeopardy of Administrative Law

指導教授 : 陳春生


現代社會國原則下,國家為履行其所擔負之任務,因而制訂各種行政法規,課予人民相關之作為與不作為義務,為實踐各種行政法規所課予人民之義務,國家得採用行政罰或行政執行等手段達成其目的,相較於行政執行等其他落實行政法規之方式,行政罰應屬對行政機關最為簡便、經濟之方式,惟此亦屬對人民權益侵害程度較大之方式,在法治國原則下,人權之保障亦為法治先進國家所共同承認之普世價值,如何在確保履行行政法上義務之前提下兼顧人權保障,此乃現代國家所不容忽視之課題。 「一行為不二罰原則」為法治國原則下之原理原則,此乃學界與實務界所不否認,該原則之精神在避免當國家以行政罰作為實踐法律規範之手段時,對人民權益造成過度侵害。惟此一原則究竟係憲法位階或法律位階,迄今仍有異論,即便我國於2005年立法通過行政罰法,並於行政罰法第24條、第26條等條文對一行為不二罰原則加以明文規定,然此一原則如何具體落實於我國行政制裁制度,仍有諸多爭議。例如「一行為」如何認定,「不二罰」係禁止何種處罰?司法機關為緩刑或緩起訴處分後,行政機關應如何因應?以上問題,迄今仍未有定論。 因此,本文先採用比較分析法,比較美、日、德等國關於一行為不二罰原則之規範及相關行政制裁程序,並加以分析,確認我國一行為不二罰原則所應具備之地位;其次,透過歸納法整理一行為不二罰原則之適用範圍,最後,透過國內外文獻之比較、分析,提出本文建議,作為我國日後修正行政制裁程序之參考。 在論文內容之編排上,第二章先釐清一行為不二罰原則在我國之地位,以及此一原則與「一事不再理原則」之關連,最後討論一行為不二罰原則之例外,探討在何種情況下容許對一行為予以二罰。 第三章則探討行政法上行為數之認定標準,透過對學說理論及實務見解之整理分析、探討刑罰與行政罰之區別,並參酌外國法例所採用之標準,最後提出本文對行政法上行為數認定標準之看法。 第四章探討當一行為同時違反複數行政法規時,行政機關可能面對之相關爭議,例如當輕罰機關誤將應移送重罰機關裁罰之案件自為裁罰時,重罰機關應如何因應,最後並針對如何避免此類情形發生提出本文建議。 第五章針對一行為同時違反行政法規及刑事法規時行政機關應如何因應,提出本文看法,並探討行政制裁與刑事制裁間相互之影響,最後針對司法機關為緩起訴處分或緩刑處分時,行政機關可否再為行政制裁,提出本文看法。 第六章總結上述各章結論,並提出本文之建議以作為行政機關日後科處行政制裁之參考。


In order to perform the duties of Principle of Social Welfare State, the State makes all kinds of law to achieve the goal. Comparing with other administrative acts, administrative penalty is an easier and more effective way, but it also has greater detrimental influence on human right. In order to make a balance between performing the duties of administrative law and protecting human rights, the academics of public law advocate for the Principle of Double Jeopardy. Yet, it is controversial about the position of the Principle of Double Jeopardy in the system of public law. Even Administrative Penalty Act was passed at 2005, it is still obscure to apply this principle. At first, I compared the Principle of Double Jeopardy and the system of administrative penalty with those similar mechanisms of the U.S.A., Japan, and Germany. Second, I adopt the method of generalization to research the field of the Principle of Double Jeopardy. Finally, I analyze the currently academic researches, and provide some suggestions which could be the reference to amend the system of administrative penalty of Taiwan. In Chapter 2, I discuss the position and h the exception of the Principle of Double Jeopardy. In Chapter 3, I discuss the standard to discern the behavior’s number, and the distinction between criminal penalty and administrative penalty. Finally, I compare the standard of the foreign laws to provide my opinion further. In Chapter 4, I discuss the issue that the administrative agency may meet when people’s behaviors violate several administrative laws at the same time. For example, when the administrative agency without jurisdiction made the administrative penalty to the people, what should the administrative agency with jurisdiction do? Finally, I make some suggestions to avoid the happening of this situation. In Chapter 5, I offer my opinion to be the reference for the administrative agency when people’s behavior violate administrative law and criminal law at the same time. Besides, I discuss the interrelation between administrative penalty and criminal penalty. Finally, as to whether the administrative agency could make administrative penalty if the Judiciary made suspension of punishment or deferred prosecution, I provide my opinion to be the reference. At last, I make the conclusion and offer my suggestions to be the reference for the administrative agency to amend the system of administrative penalty.


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3、 鄭國榮,〈行政罰法「重複處罰禁止」之研究〉,台灣大學國家發展研究所碩士論文,2008年7月。
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郭銀子(2010)。論我國緩起訴處分與行政罰法第二十六條之 法律關係-以酒醉駕車案件為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201000767
