  • 學位論文


The Role of Capacity Transfer Bank in the Capacity Trading Market

指導教授 : 曾明遜


自容積移轉中央法制頒布以來,我國各地方政府紛紛增訂相關辦法使容積移轉有法可循,然而制度實施至今,不但未達成加速取得公保地之目地外,容積移轉更衍生其他待改善之問題。在制度不完善下,基地所有權人對於透過容積移轉來保障自身財產權有疑慮,除了委託私人仲介可能產生的風險外,繁複的審查程序與作業時間也使交易過程所產生之不確定性大增;此外,因目前尚未建立一個公開化、資訊透明之交易平台,故容積移轉容易成為有心人炒地皮、從中投機賺取暴利的溫床。我們不能忽略交易過程中延伸出的各項額外交易成本,交易制度之作用應滿足促進交易的進行與保障交易的結果,因為當制度能有助於降低交易成本,以及保障交易者的財產權進而避免交易後紛爭的發生下,這樣的交易過程和結果才是較具經濟的。 本研究透過法律經濟分析,以交易成本理論切入,探討容積銀行於容積移轉交易市場中之經濟作用;以及制度可以如何運作,進而將低交易成本與解決交易市場存在的問題,促使買賣雙方有動機參與合作。本研究亦從國外的經驗中提出成功運作的發展權移轉銀行(TDR Bank)所發揮的重要作用,並透過這些作用,檢視新上路的臺北市容積銀行代金制度運作之適宜性,文末,對於代金制度的推動提出具體的運作建議。 研究結果,在無容積銀行下之容積移轉交易市場於制度和空間層面上皆萌生各項問題,故容積銀行之創設有其必要性;容積銀行能發揮中介角色之經濟效能如促進交易效率與發揮資訊經濟效用;而透過容積銀行進行容積移轉交易能避免因機會主義者橫行而產生額外之代理成本,故能增加交易意願與活絡交易市場;仲介發展型式在節省各項交易成本與改善容積移轉市場之問題的效果較大;最後,美國成功運作之TDR Bank所具備之五項重要作用,亦即簡化交易過程、增強相關都市計畫之運作、容積價格的制約、財產權的保障及自償性與回饋性質上,臺北市代金制度皆有良好之發揮效果。


Since the laws governing capacity transfer were promulgated, all local government around the nation have set up related measures for implementation of capacity transfer. However, the objective of expediting acquisition of lands reserved for public infrastructure has not been fulfilled so far, and many new issues have stemmed from capacity transfer. Without a sound system, land owners have concerns over protection of their property rights through capacity transfer. In addition to the risk of trading lands through agents, the complicated review and processing procedure has added more uncertainties to capacity transfer. As a transparent and public platform for capacity trading is still absent, capacity transfer may be a hotbed for speculative investment and acquisition of windfall gains. Therefore, all additional costs of trading incurred during capacity transfer cannot be neglected. The goal of a capacity trading system is to promote trading and ensure that both parties fulfill their obligations. The trading process and outcomes will be most economical only when the system can help reduce transaction costs, protect the rights of both parties, and avoid post-transaction disputes. Based on theories of transaction costs, this study performed a legal and economic analysis to investigate the economic functions of capacity transfer banks in the capacity trading market as well as how the system should operate to lower transaction costs, address existing problems in the market, and promote cooperation between buyers and sellers. Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) banks have been running in foreign nations. Based on the functions of TDR banks, this study further examined the appropriateness of the capacity substitutive charge system which has just been launched in Taipei City and provided suggestions on implementation of the substitutive charge system. Results showed that in the absence of a capacity transfer bank, numerous problems in the systematic and spatial aspects of capacity trading may arise. Hence, there is a necessity to establish a capacity transfer bank. The capacity transfer bank has the economic functions of a mediating role, such as promoting trading efficiency and economic efficiency of information. Trading capacity through a capacity transfer bank saves additional agency costs collected by opportunists, so the capacity transfer bank can increase trading intention among both buyers and sellers. The intermediary kind of capacity transfer banks can be more efficient in saving all kinds of transaction costs and improving problems in the capacity trading market. The capacity substitutive charge system of Taipei City is effective in terms of the five major functions of TDR Banks in the US, including simplification of the trading process, reinforcement of urban planning, control of capacity price, protection of property rights, and self liquidation and feedback.


李家儂(2007),〈容受力應用於都市地區建築容積總量管制之探討〉,《土地問題研究季刊》,第6 卷第3期,頁82-97。
