  • 學位論文


The Spatial Placement of Strong Brand within Large-scale Horizontal-designed Shopping Center

指導教授 : 游舜德


由於購物中心的本質在於提供多種類型的承租商營運空間,藉由承租商所提供的商品與服務來滿足消費者的需求,而商品的品質與多樣性不斷的提升與改變,經營管理者如何選擇承租商的類型,也成為購物中心研究上需要被注意的部分。以台北地區為例,明耀百貨招租日本的強勢品牌進入百貨,如Uniqlo,而又於2014招納副牌GU進入,以兩者作為吸引消費者前往遊逛與消費的主要集客力,同時,改善了因台北市忠孝商圈西移而導致原商圈逐漸沒落的困境;除此之外,位於明耀百貨對面的統領商業大樓(原統領百貨),也因消費人潮的轉移而面臨同樣的困境,面對如此困境,為了重新吸引消費客群,提升百貨本身集客力,於2011年招聘西班牙知名平價品牌ZARA為商場的強勢品牌。 本研究為了解強勢品牌特徵值與其空間配置,樣本取自於各購物中心提供予大眾消費者的公開資訊,利用GIS自2014年至2015年,數化完成30場個案,57個樓層平面及其現有承租商名單,作為研究樣本,廣泛蒐集4個國家與不同空間特徵的大型購物中心,首先採用「專家問卷調查」作為問卷調查階段的主軸,檢測出重要性權數較高的強勢品牌特徵因素為基準,並於GIS建立的水平型式購物中心的現有承租商清單中,篩選出符合此基準的強勢品牌,接著再採用倫敦大學(University College London, ULI)研發出,用於分析空間使用者與空間關係的Space Syntax,作為探討強勢品牌與樓地板空間之關聯性。


The shopping center which offers a variety of types of tenant space operations with the goods and services provided by the tenant to meet consumer demand, however, the quality and diversity of goods constantly have upgraded and changed with the time, as a result, shopping center market has been dynamic and has become one of the most significant researches recently. In Taipei, for example, the department store leasing Mingyao department store has leased the strong brand such as Uniqlo, into the tenant lists, none the less, it has also made GU entered its management in 2014, both not only have attracted consumers to go shopping around the main set-off power consumption but also have improved the Taipei Zhongxiao district. As the consequence, this study has tickled the strong brand value and its spatial management as the key taken from the various shopping centers to provide public information to the mass of consumers, we have used GIS from 2014 to 2015, the number of cases completed 30 shopping centers with 57 floor plans and existing tenant list, as samples, extensive collection of four countries with different spatial characteristics of large-scale shopping center. Besides, the first use "expert survey" as the survey has detected the weights of the strong brand identity factors from the existing supplier list in the dataset we established in GIS to meet this benchmark. In conclusion, we have examined the strong brand from 30 shopping centers and have used the Space Syntax, invented by the University of London (University College London, ULI), which have been used to the analysis the relationships between spatial users and the space users, to attempt to comprehend the space allocation of the strong brand name we examined in this research in 30 shopping centers.


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