  • 學位論文


A Study on Effects of The Concept of Cultural Diversity on Film Industry Subsidies

指導教授 : 陳耀祥


在全球化時代,科技所帶來的資訊流動,促使國與國之間的交流越趨頻繁,而電影扮演的不僅是傳播的媒介,更是表達各國文化的重要工具,雖然我國政府在面臨全球化的競爭,希冀展現一國的獨特性與文化軟實力,於2012年進行組織改造成立文化部,並由文化部影視及流行音樂產業局掌理電影產業相關業務,但是就保護與促進文化表現形式的多樣性而言,如何透過電影補助制度落實,促進國家間的交流,值得深入探討。 本研究首先檢視相關文獻,闡述文化多樣性之意涵與操作方法,並就文化多樣性與多元文化間探尋法律上之關聯,再透由我國現行電影產業補助相關規範及制度上之法律爭議進行案例分析析,瞭解我國如何透過立法、財政支助及進出口策略等政策工具,促進我國電影文化多樣性,並嘗試就法律面找尋適合納入落實文化多樣性之法律,使我國在執行上於法有據。而本研究也藉由深度訪談各界之看法,提出電影補助制度落實文化多樣性之相關建議,供相關法律之參考。 本研究發現:一、文化多樣性概念實務工作者瞭解程度有限;二、電影補助制度有存在之必要性,提供創作者創造的機會;三、文化多樣性尚缺法律依據,企待制定;四、創造題材趨勢應作為補助的重要指標;五、票房統計系統應作為電影補助之依據;六、以獎補助措施維護本國電影事業文化多樣性。 根據研究發現,本研究提出三點建議供參考。首先,立法機關應儘速修訂電影法,為我國落實文化多樣性於法有據;其次,在進出口策略上,可依據各國電影在本國市占率,增加進口市占率較低之外國片,減少進口市占率較高之外國片,而在財政支助上,不論是獎勵、投資、租稅減免,建議依據不同業者之屬性,提供不同的優惠措施,讓資源之分配更公平;最後,建議可進行產業發展調查及評估報告,進一步著手經濟與文化貿易的談判評估報告,衡量其中的利益得失,規劃更好的保護及促進文化表現形式多樣性的措施與政策。


In the era of globalization, technology brought the flow of information and promotes communication between countries frequently. The movie plays not only media communication but also expresses the culture of each country. Though our government faces global competition, and hope to show unique and cultural soft power, we established the ministry of culture in 2012, and the bureau of audiovisual an music industry development shall be in charge of the film industry. On the topic of protecting and promoting the diversity of cultural expressions, how to execute by the fim industry subsidy, it is worth to conduct an in-depth study. Literatures were first examined by the cultural diversity and the method of operation. Then try to find the connection between cultural diversity and multiculturalism.in law, and implement case analysis with cinematography to know how to promote the cultural diversity of film industry through legislation, finance support, and import and export strategy. Furthermore, it is more important to let the execution lawfully. Finally, an in-depth interview was performed by the study to understand the views of all walks of life and relevant suggestion on the cultural diversity of film industry. The suggestions were proposed to provide references in lawmaking. The study found that: first, practitioners have a limited extent for understanding the concept of cultural diversity; second, there is the necessity of the presence of the film subsidy system because it provides the creative opportunity to the creators; third, lack legal basis of implement cultural diversity,and it remains to be developed; four, creative themes trend should be used as an important indicator grant; five, box office movies statistical system should be used as the basis of the subsidy; six, awards grants to domestic film industry measures to safeguard cultural diversity. Based on the findings, this study put forward three suggestions for reference. First, the legislature amended the cinematography as soon as possible for the implementation of cultural diversity in the legal basis. Second, on the import and export policy, it can be based on national film market share in the country, increase the import of lower market share of foreign films and reduce the import of higher market share of foreign films. In financial support, regardless of incentives, investment tax credits, based on recommendations of the different properties of the industry, offering different incentives, so that a more equitable distribution of resources. Finally, it is recommended to carry out industrial development surveys and evaluation reports, and then further proceed with negotiations assessment of economic and cultural trade, which can measure interest gains and losses, then plan better protection to promote diversity of cultural expressions of measures and policies.


