  • 學位論文


Living Arrangement and Evolution of Different Generations in Taiwan

指導教授 : 彭建文


一個人的一生可能經歷不同家庭生命週期與經濟社會環境變遷,進而調整其住宅需求,亦即經歷不同的住宅搬遷過程。不過,以往文獻多以家戶的住宅租擁選擇為研究重點,透過量化方法分析單一時點影響家戶住宅權屬的原因,較無法從時間面向觀察家戶居住調整的歷程與品質變化。為彌補以往住宅租買權屬文獻的不足,本研究擬針對不同世代家戶進行深入的問卷調查與質化分析,主要內容包括受訪者的個人與家庭屬性、住宅搬遷次數與原因、權屬與融資方式、決策方式、住宅品質狀況、居住滿意度、以及居住觀…等項目,另外,亦蒐集「華人動態資料庫」(Panel Study of Family Dynamics)之「長期追蹤資料」進行量化分析,藉以釐清不同世代間家庭生命週期與住宅調整之互動關係,並深入與完整瞭解國人居住決策與住宅價值觀的長期變遷狀況。 研究結果顯示,隨著時代演進,較早年出生之受訪者,其家戶搬家動機大多為工作與生活因素;較晚年者,則大多為家庭生命週期演變所衍伸出的住宅需求。透過深入分析家戶搬家動機與比較量化研究結果,發現越晚出生世代的家戶,其初婚與長期居住安排除了受到社會趨勢、價值觀演變的影響外,更重要的會受到房價與所得不對等成長的影響,而產生「半核心化」的現象,該因素可能導致家戶的搬遷能力逐漸降低,使得搬家次數隨著年代演進而減少。另外,家戶搬家後的生活空間正隨著時代演進而逐漸遞減,使得搬遷後生活品質無增加的趨勢;而住宅權屬的變化過程,使得年輕世代針對初婚家戶所設計之租賃住宅市場逐漸萎縮。


Households will adjust their housing demand according to their family life cycles and external economic and social environment changes which causing many relocation decisions. Most previous literature focused on the determinants of housing tenure choice decisions or induced homeownership rate in one specific time. In this study, we try to contribute the literature on the discussion of households’ relocation processes, housing quality and satisfactory through a longer time phase. We conduct in-depth survey and qualitative analysis for different generation of households. The main contents include personal and family attributes of participant in a survey, the number and reasons for the relocation of housing, ownership and financing, decision-making, situation of housing quality, living satisfaction, and the concept of residential……and so on. In addition , we also collect " panel survey " which included in " Panel Study of Family Dynamics " for quantitative analysis. The result of this study can help to clarify the interaction of family life cycles and housing adjustments for different generation, and understand households’ housing decision-making and the meaning of housing over time. The results show that, with the evolution of the times , the respondents who were born early , their moving motivation were mostly working and living factors ; the respondents who were born early, their moving motivation were mostly housing demand which is extended from amily life cycle evolution. Through in-depth analysting families moving motivation and comparing quantitative research results , we found that the more later generations borning households , their first marriage and long-term living arrangements, in addition to long-term social trends and the evolution of external values , but more importantly will be affected by unequal growth rates of housing price anf incomes, and generating a phenomenon which this study call " semi- kernelization ". The factor probably causes the decrease of households moving ability, and makes the numbers of moving decline with the evolution of the times. In the other hands, households living space after moving is gradually decreasing with the evolution of times, so the living quality is not promoting after moving. In the change process of housing tenure, the rental market which is designed for first marriage households is going to shrink gradually in generations of young age.


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