  • 學位論文


The Exploration of Preference for Environmental Public Goods and Environmental Policy in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林翠芳


近年來,全球環境狀況持續惡化 及環保意識抬頭 ,政府在環境保護上所扮演的角色日趨重要。 然而,好的環境 被視為公共財, 其數量 受制於人民 的偏好,因此本文研究目在探台灣眾對環境公共財 及環境政策 偏好的影響因素。本研究 偏好的影響因素。本研究 偏好的影響因素。本研究 使用台灣社會變遷基本調查 2010 年第六期一 次環境組的實證資料,建立了主觀犧牲意願、對政府干預態度不同策工具偏好三類被解釋變數 ,並運用 Probit Model 及 Multinomial Logit Model 進行實證分析。 根據實證結果 ,年齡、 性別教育程度環境意識所得居住地、社會資本政治傾向及就 業狀況皆為影響主觀犧牲意願的重要因子。 具備環境意識及高教育程度者表達了正向的稅負、生活 水準及 物價的犧牲意願。 性別、教育水準所得政治傾向及環境意識則左右民眾對於府應否介 入環境決策的看法。 舉例來說,高教育水準、所得者較支持政府介入個人及企業的環境決策。 最 後,環境意識、年齡教育程度政治傾向城市及種族則影響著 個人 對環境政策之選擇, 年長者 較偏好教育政策, 原住民偏好租稅優惠政策, 國民黨支持者則傾向對個人施以罰金政策 。


In light of the environmental deterioration and rising consumer awareness on environment issues, it has become imperative to study individuals’ preferences for environmental public goods and environmental policy. Using the 2010 Taiwan Social Change Survey, this paper explores the determinants of preferences for environmental public goods and environmental policy in Taiwan. Probit Model and Multinomial Logit Model are used to investigate people’s willingness to pay for a better environment and their preferences over various policies such as environmental taxes, command and control policies and environmental education policies. The estimation results show that age, gender, education, environment awareness, income, region, social capital, political party and working status all play a crucial role in people’s willingness to pay for environmental quality. Males, the elderly, individuals with higher incomes, and individuals with more social capital are more likely to accept higher taxes or prices in exchange for a better environment. Gender, education, income, political party and environment awareness related variables are also important factors in affecting people’s attitudes toward government intervention. For instance, individuals with more years of schooling and individuals with higher incomes are more likely to agree that the government should intervene in firms’ and individuals’ environmental decisions. Furthermore, the above social demographic and economic variables are vital in individuals’ choices over different policy tools. Individuals living in cities and individuals with more education prefer the government to use tax preference policy over environmental education policy. Kuomintang (KMT) supporters, relative to Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) supporters and political neutralists, tend to support penalty policies over other alternatives.


朱瑞玲、楊淑雯(2013),台灣民眾的利環境態度與行為: 價值觀與罪感的影響,
