  • 學位論文


A Study of Extended Producer Responsibility System

指導教授 : 蕭代基


我國於1988年由環保署修正頒布之廢棄物清理法,強制規定產品的輸入及製造業者必須負責廢棄物回收處理的責任,是全世界最早依法將生產者責任延伸至廢棄物回收處理階段的國家。「延伸生產者責任」(extended producer responsibility, EPR)一詞,最早是由瑞典的環境學者Thomas lindhqvist 於1990年,為瑞典環境部完成的研究報告中提出,其定義為:「延伸生產者責任是一種環境保護原則,其目的在達成減少產品總環境衝擊,產品製造者必須在產品完整的生命週期中對該產品負全部的責任,特別是該產品的回收、循環再利用及最終處置」。延伸生產者責任的相關措施在世界各國持續執行,這些措施多著重於如何有效使生產者負責對其產品,於消費者使用完畢後,進行回收、再利用或最終處置之責任,但對於產品生命週期中,生產者負責原物料來源監管責任,則較少有措施要求。 然近年來由於生產者對其產品原料製程及來源監管不周,導致許多問題出現。針對原料製程及來源監管問題,國外已有制度產生,且大多由企業自身發起,跨國企業因於各國建立其產品生產鏈,伴隨而來的環境保護壓力也驅使這些企業改善其供應鏈的環境保護措施。然而,僅靠企業自願式的行動,尚不足以解決問題,目前世界各國卻仍未有將原料製程的監管責任納入生產者責任中的法令存在。 因此,本研究透過對相關經濟理論的分析與探討,並以「矽晶圓型太陽能光電產業」作為案例分析,歸納出該產業的環境污染問題具有以下成因:一、產業供應鏈屬跨國供應鏈,難以由單一國家的法律制度來進行控管。二、上游廠商不當排放污染的成本較合法處置低,且其下游廠商並無相關責任。三、中央政府與地方政府存在代理問題。四、廠商與監管單位存在資訊不對稱。五、缺乏具主導性國際標準及產業組織,現行的國際標準缺乏規範製程中產生的污染之標準。 針對上述成因,本研究利用命令管制工具搭配共同且為推定過失責任制度做為「生命週期生產者責任制度」之內容,透過潛在責任主體之設計,將上游原料供應商的污染賠償責任與下游廠商連結,並結合原本著重於產品廢棄物階段處理的延伸生產者責任制度,建立要求生產者必須對其產品完整的生命週期中,所產生的環境總衝擊負責的「生命週期生產者責任制度」。


Waste Disposal Act was enacted at 1988 by the Environmental Protection Administration in our nation which forcibly formulated product input and manufacturer to be responsible for the responsibilities of waste recycling. It was the first country around the world to legislate the stage of waste recycling into extended producer responsibility. The concept of extended producer responsibility was proposed by a Sweden environmental economist Thomas lindhqvist at the year of 1990. It was put forward in a research done by the Sweden Ministry of Environment. The definition of extended producer responsibility is the following: extended producer responsibility is a principle of environmental protection. Its purpose is to accomplish a decrease on total environment impact from production. The producer must pay full responsibility to the product, including the entire life cycle of the product, especially in its recycle, reuse and final disposal. Some related research and measuresamples of extended producer responsibility were carried out throughout the world. These measures emphasized on how to let producer to be responsible to its own product, and the responsibility after being used by consumers, which includes recycle, reuse and final disposal. On the other hand, measures for producers supervise the source of materialsin its life cycle was not yet paid in much attention. However, in recent years, due to the poor supervision of product’s material production process and source of material, several problems had occurred. Systems about the solution of supervising material process and source were already established in foreign countries, and were initiated mostly by the producer itself. Because of the incoming environment pressure from production chain constructed around the world, international enterprises start to improve its environment protection measures. However, relying on voluntary action of enterprises is not enough to solve these problems. Currently, no countries around the world included the material production process supervision responsibility into its national law of producer responsibilities. Therefore, based on some observation through economic theory’s analysis and discussion, at the same time through solar photovoltaic industry as the case study method, this article generalized that its industrial pollutions were based on the following reasons. First, industry supply chains around the world were transnational, which is difficult to get controlled by unitary national law. Second, the improper emission of pollutions for upstream manufacturers have a lower cost compared to lawful disposal. In addition, the downstream manufacturers doesn’t have related responsibilities. Third, the principal–agent problem of central government and local government. Fourth, the information asymmetry of firms and supervisory authorities. Last, lack of international standards and industrial organization with leading properties, which current international standard doesn’t include pollution standards of material production process. In response to these causes, this research uses command control tool together with joint and several liability and presumption of negligence liability as the content of “extended producer responsibility system.” Through the design of potential Responsible parties to a subject, we can connect the compensation responsibility of upstream material suppliers to downstream firms. By combining the original extended producer responsibility at the waste treatment stage of products, we establish a system that request producers to be responsible to its product’s general environment impact, a “extended producer responsibility system”, which includes the product’s complete life cycle.


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