  • 學位論文


The Study of Applied Triad Approach to Improve Soil Pollution Investigation and Assessment Procedures

指導教授 : 李育明
共同指導教授 : 陳秋楊(Chiu-Yang Chen)


本研究主要探討改善我國土壤污染調查評估程序,因我國土壤污染整治、調查工作係依土壤及地下水污染整治法之規定來執行,然而,土壤及地下水污染整治法除了第八條、第九條有規定其調查程序,其餘各條款關於土壤污染調查則未明確規定。目前大部份土壤調查工作皆引用美國材料測試協會(ASTM)所制定之環境場址評估程序辦理,其調查結果主要為評估土壤受污染之潛勢,對受污染土地之後續整治工作的幫助有限。 最近美國所提倡之土壤污染調查新概念-三合方法(Triad Approach),其調查結果能確定土壤污染範圍,且能降低土壤污染整治決策之不確定性及節省時間。因此,本研究擬應用三合方法改善我國土壤污染調查評估程序,分別比較三合方法與傳統調查方法之調查程序差異及實務調查結果。由比較程序差異及彙整案例調查結果,以此為藍本修訂一套適合我國土壤污染之調查程序-快捷土壤污染調查方法。 為推動所擬之「快捷土壤污染調查方法」,並使其制度化且能廣泛被應用。本研究擬定「土壤污染範圍驗證及查證作業要點」草案與修訂土壤污染管理相關法規,並建議以預算編列、人員編制及推行試辦計畫等相關配合措施來進行推動工作,期待本研究能為未來土壤整治政策修訂之用,另外,對於後續研究方向亦給予相關建議。


In Taiwan, soil pollution investigation and remediation are carried out in accordance with the “Soil and Groundwater Remediation Act”. Soil pollution investigation procedures are specified in Articles 8 and 9 of the “Soil and Groundwater Remediation Act”, but no further details are to be found in any other Articles. Environmental engineers usually conduct investigations following ASTM E 1527, E 1903, a traditional soil pollution assessment procedure which is insufficient for remediation work. Recently a renovated Triad Approach is proposed in the USA to improve accuracy of soil pollution assessment and to reduce uncertainty and save time when making soil remediation decisions. This research is to improve soil pollution investigation procedures specified in the “Soil and Groundwater Remediation Act”. The traditional procedure and the Triad Approach are compared in general and in three real cases. A renovated procedure, a speed approach, is developed based on such comparisons. This procedure is then adopted into a draft “Soil Pollution Investigation and Verification Code”, which is proposed to the government for future law-making reference. Hopefully this speedy approach can be adopted by the Act and applied widely at soil polluted sites.


15. 陳慎德、劉沛宏,2005,全國廢棄工廠土壤及地下水潛勢調查計畫期末報告,行政院環保署委託瑞昶科技股份有限公司計畫。
2. 行政院環保署,2004,土壤及地下水污染整治雙年報。
5. 行政院環保署,2009, 2007年土壤及地下水污染整治年報。
1. 土壤及地下水污染整治網-
4. 台灣土壤及地下水污染管理相關法規-
