  • 學位論文


Research on Administrative Regulation of Environment─Focusing on the Constitutionality of “Consecutive Daily Fines” System

指導教授 : 陳慈陽


良好的生活環境為孕育生命之泉源,人類若欲在地球上生生不息,應當對於環境加以珍惜與尊重。但是隨著人類長期以來追求經濟發展、對於環境資源無限制地予取予求,地球上之環境逐漸為人類所破壞,除了天然資源即將用竭之外,科技發展與產業生製造過程所造成之環境汙染,均業已嚴重危害到人類賴以生存之環境。特別是20世紀中葉後「大量生產、大量消費、大量廢棄」的產業及生活型態,造成環境污染、生態破壞,危及人類世代的永續發展。但若欲對於環境領域加以監督控管,勢必得以環境立法之方式為之,蓋在從事所謂之環境管制之過程之中,國家所欲控管之對象為「人民 」,政府以限制人民權利行使或課予人民環境保護義務等方式,以達成避免環境進一步破壞或回復環境原貌之最終政策目的,然而若欲對於人民憲法上之權利加以限制或課予義務,依憲法第23條須以法律為依據方屬合憲。 又由於「按日連續處罰制度」在環境行政管制領域中被大量運用,在實務運用中迭生法規範之爭議,且該制度為具有本土特色之管制手段,故本文認為有針對該制度特別加以研究之必要。但本文除針對「按日連續處罰制度」探討其本身法規範之爭議外,尚進一步討論環境管制手段之依據為何及其形成之背景。蓋若直接從法律觀點切入了解環境行政管制手段之「按日連續處罰制度」,容易造成在環境法領域內「為法律而談法律」或「就法論法」的困頓,難以進一步了解問題之所在以及制度之全貌。從而,本文在討論時除從法律觀點論述此一制度之法規範爭議外,亦希望從我國環境法制發展之歷史作觀察,以瞭解此一管制手段之始末。故本文第二章試著透過早期的夜警國家到現在的福利國家之介紹,藉以瞭解行政管制之意義及功能。第三章將從我國憲法對於環境保護之要求作出發,除說明我國環境管制手段之法規範依據外,並嘗試對於環境行政管制採行之背景作詳細之說明,以完整了解「按日連續處罰」之背景。第四章則著重於界定「按日連續處罰制度」之意義,並介紹「按日連續處罰」在適用時所產生之憲法爭議問題,輔以學說及實務上之見解後,從憲法觀點及行政法角度出發,試著替「按日連續處罰制度」尋找出路。最後在第五章中作結論。 經過本文研究後,認為「按日連續處罰制度」之性質非屬行政執行罰,而為行政秩序罰,司法實務上對於該制度所生之爭議,在釋字第604號解釋公布後,應該參考其中之內容修正其見解,並明確對實務上游移不定之行為理論做成共識,以確保環境行政管制之效果,順利達成憲法要求所環境保護之任務。


High quality of living environment is the foundation of building new life. If we human beings would like to exist forever on the earth, we should give our environment appreciation and respect. However, for a long time, we have been exploiting environmental resources to pursue economic growth. This has damaged global environment. In addition to using up of natural resources, environmental pollutions caused by technology development and manufacturing processes of industry also endanger environment which human beings rely on. In particular, after mid 20th century, industry and living style of mass production, heavy consumption, and large-scale waste has caused environmental pollution and damage, and endangered sustainable development of human generation. If we would like to supervise and manage our environment, the best way to do it is by legislation. In conducting environmental regulation, “people” is the subject that a government intends to regulate. The government use methods such as limiting right exertion of the people or imposing duties on the people to protect environment. The final goal is to avoid further damage of environment or to restore environment. However, to limit the rights of the people given by the Constitution or to impose duties on the people are required to be based on laws under Article 23 of the Constitution. The “Consecutive Daily Fines” System was frequently applied in the field of administrative regulation of environment, often causing debate on related regulations in the practice. Moreover, this system regulation has local distinguishing features. Due to these factors, research is needed particularly on this system. Focusing on the “Consecutive Daily Fines” System, in this article, I not only discuss the debate on relevant regulations, but also investigate the bases and backgrounds of the system. If one likes to understand the system directly from the viewpoints of laws, it is easy to take the matter on its merits in the environmental law field or to be mired in difficulties, which makes hard to understand where the problems are and the bigger picture of this system. Thus, in addition to the debate from the viewpoints of laws, this article also attempts to understand the history of the system by examining the historic development of environmental laws in our country. Chapter 2 tried to understand meanings and functions of administrative regulations by introducing the early night watchman state to the recent welfare state. Chapter 3 is based on the needs of environmental protection under the Constitution of our country. In addition to the interpretation of the basis of environmental regulations, there are also detail explanations about the background of environmental administrative regulations in order to further understand the background of “Consecutive Daily Fines.” Chapter 4 defines “Consecutive Daily Fines” system, and discusses disputes on the system relating to the Constitution Furthermore, with viewpoints from theories and practices, and viewpoints of the Constitution and the administrative law, the chapter discusses solutions to current disputes on the “Consecutive Daily Fines” system. Finally, conclusions are given in Chapter 5. Results of this research show that the “Consecutive Daily Fines” system is not an administrative sanction but a criminal penalty. The Judicial Yuan (J.Y.) Interpretation No.604 should be used to solve the debates regarding the system in judicial practice. A consensus should be established on inconclusive behavioral theories in practice to ensure effective environmental administrative regulations, and to successfully accomplish tasks of environmental protection required by the Constitution.


Consecutive Daily Fines


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