  • 學位論文


Sexual Multiculturalism: Study of Key Factors of Disclosure of Adolescent Homosexuality

指導教授 : 翁興利


同性戀現象已被視為多元文化中的一部分,本研究透過文獻分析及決策實驗室之研究方法探討同志出櫃的關鍵因素,整理出:「自我認同」、「不想欺騙」、「過去出櫃經驗」、「心理上有所依靠」、「父母認同」、「親友認同」、「宗教信仰」、「友善環境氛圍」、「社會政策支持」、「經濟能力」、「不影響工作」、「避免麻煩」「為獲得社會資源」、「周遭同志人數」、「增加交友機會」、「效仿偶像出櫃」、「一時興起」、「被迫出櫃」等18項影響同志出櫃之因素。 之後透過立意取樣的問卷方式篩選出同志出櫃之關鍵因素,再進一步以滾雪球取樣方式,由參與研究的同志協助發放問卷,選擇18-30歲的已出櫃青年同志作為受訪者,回收問卷資料分析結果如下: 1. 透過因素篩選問卷,剔除「宗教信仰」、「經濟能力」、「效仿偶像出櫃」、「一時興起」、「被迫出櫃」等5項因素,保留其餘13項因素為影響青年同志出櫃之關鍵因素。 2. 「社會政策支持」、「友善環境氛圍」、「周遭同志人數」為影響青年同志出櫃的主要核心關鍵因素。 3. 「自我認同」、「心理上有所依靠」為最易受其他因素影響的關鍵因素。 4. 「自我認同」為關聯度最高的因素,也是原因度最低的因素。 5. 「周遭同志人數」是唯一關聯度大於平均的社群網絡取向因素。 6. 個人感受取向因素之原因度皆為負,屬於被影響的因素群。 7. 群體認同取向因素皆屬於核心關鍵因素,且「社會政策支持」為原因度最高的關鍵因素。 綜述以上,本研究之結論及建議如下:政策的支持、推動,營造友善同志的環境對提升同志出櫃的意願最具效果。性別觀念教育則可由家庭、學校、社團卅社區等處繼續努力,而相關的性別政策法令也應與時俱進,保障多元社會中每個人的權利。


Homosexuality has been deemed as part of multiculturalism. Following the documentary analysis and DEMATEL method, the study probed into the key factors that bring homosexuals out of the closets. The initial 18 factors collected were as follows: "Self-identity", "Unnecessary to conceal", "Coming-out experiences", "Anaclisis", "Parent identity", "Identity among relatives and friends", "Religion", "Homo-friendly environments", "Beneficial social policies", "Financial independence", "No negative effects on employment", "Avoiding annoyance", "Obtaining social resources", "Quantity of surrounding homosexuals", "’Increasing chances of making friends", "Imitating idols to come out' ", "On impulse" and "Being forced to". In order to filter out the critical factors, the researcher sent out the questionnaires using Purposive sampling technique; thereafter using Snowball sampling method, requesting the survey attendees to assist in questionnaire delivery. The survey targeted the 18-30 year-old adolescent homosexuals who have already come out. The results of the data analysis from the questionnaires were presented as below: 1. According to the feedback from the questionnaires, the five factors including "Religion", "Financial independence", "Imitating idols to come out", "On impulse" and "Being forced to" were eliminated; the rest 13 factors could be the key factors that bring homosexuals out of the closets. 2. "Beneficial social policies", "Homo-friendly environment" and "Quantity of surrounding homosexuals" were the core factors affecting adolescents to disclose their homosexuality. 3. Among the 13 key factors, "Self-identity" and "Anaclisis" were most susceptible to the other factors. 4. "Self-identity" was the factor with the "highest correlation" and the "smallest relation". 5. "Quantity of surrounding homosexuals" was the only social network oriented factor whose correlation was above the average. 6. All of the personal feeling oriented factors belonged to the affected quotient group for showing negative relation. 7. All of the group feeling oriented factors belonged to the core factors; and the factor "Beneficial social policies" has the biggest relation. In summary, the study shows that building a homo-friendly environment and making beneficial laws for homosexuals appear to be the most effective measures to motivate their intention to come out. In order to construct a homo-friendly environment, the fundamental method is to deliver the sexual education, to individuals, families, schools to the society and communities. Last but not least, the related gender laws should also advance with times to ensure that, in this multicultural society, the rights of every single person is guaranteed.


