  • 學位論文


From Cradle to Cradle of Life Cycle Assessment studies – A case of renewable textiles

指導教授 : 李育明


我國目前所積極推動的源頭減量政策中,其主要意涵正如同搖籃到搖籃的推動概念,透過改變產品生命週期的循環方式,由生產者主動改變產品的設計,以及原物料的使用,進而使產品在消費者使用結束後,產品的最終走向不是廢棄,而是進入另一個生命週期的循環。 本研究從搖籃到搖籃的觀點出發,將再生紡織品之整體碳足跡盤查作業區分為前置作業、回收再生作業以及再生紡織品三大階段,並依據ISO 14040系列標準之生命週期評估原則與架構,探討再生紡織品在其整體生命週期中的溫室氣體排放量,並就盤查與分配之計算結果進行探討,各階段之盤查結果為前置作業167.89 gCO2e/kg、回收再生作業390.66g CO2e/kg,以及最後的再生紡織品階段494 gCO2e/kg,整體溫室氣體排放量總計為1,052.55 gCO2e/kg。 本研究係採用質量分配方式進行溫室氣體排放的分配估算,藉由各階段分項作業之盤查方式,以供日後廢PET容器再製之再生紡織品,其整體回收再製製程之溫室氣體排放量控制與改善之參考,而又本研究在前置作業中,忽略個體業者等運輸方式所產生之溫室氣體排放,以及於再生紡織品產製階段之溫室氣體排放估算,因業者保密協定等限制,無法取得實際在能源投入、資源耗用等數據進行估算,僅得以最終估算結果進行呈現,故建議在未來可透過產學合作等方式,進而促使資訊公開化,使盤查結果更貼近現實,以利未來再生紡織品之發展更具實質之環保效益。


The policy of Taiwan’s source reduction which was be promoted currently and actively, its main implication just as the meaning of Cradle to Cradle. By changing the way of the product life cycle, to make producers initiative to change the design of product and the materials use. Thus, when consumers used the product in the end, toward the final product is not discarded but into another cycle of the life cycle. In this study, base on concept of from cradle to cradle, the carbon footprint inventory of renewable textiles, its include Lead-operation area, recycling operations, and renewable textiles. Base on ISO 14040 series of standards about the life cycle assessment principles and framework. Explore renewable textiles in its entirety Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions of life cycle, and to inventory and distribution the results. The GHG emissions in each part of the renewable textiles, totaled was 1,052.55 gCO2e/kg, and its contain Lead-operation area 167.89gCO2e/kg, recycling operations 390.66gCO2e/kg, and recycled textiles 494gCO2e/kg. Through each stage of the inventory work for recycled PET containers remake of renewable textiles, using the mass distribution to estimate the allocation of GHG emissions, for the GHG emissions of recycling manufacturing process control and improvement of reference. In this study, the GHG emissions of individual operators and other modes of transport be ignore. And in the other way, the resource consumption and other data to estimate of recycled textiles can’t be offer, because the confidentiality agreements of business, the actual data of the energy, So in the future, it can use be thought the industry-university cooperation, or the other way, to promote the information public, and the inventory results more closer to reality, in order to the recycle textile development substance of environmental benefits.




