  • 學位論文


Business Transformation Strategy : The Case of Taiwan’s Firm Alexandre

指導教授 : 林婷鈴


本研究利用企業轉型和企業成長方面文獻,提出企業成長三個範疇和企業轉型策略,企業成長方面分別利用成長方向、成長模式和多角化類型形成成長架構;企業轉型策略則歸納出產品轉型策略、市場轉型策略、垂直/水平整合策略和多角化轉型策略四種。首先確認企業不同成長階段當中的各種成長方式,以及各採用何種成長策略。確認成長策略之後,再探討此種成長方式的轉型策略為何。因此可以看出在不同成長階段之下,企業的成長和轉型策略變化軌跡。 本研究採用個案研究法,探討個案公司亞力山卓在各個成長階段之下,如何採取策略來達到轉型和成長。首先,經由文獻的探討了解到企業可以利用何種轉型方法來達到轉型的目的,以及追求成長的策略方向。再藉由初級和次級資料整理亞力山卓的企業資源和策略方向,並且依照設計的訪談問題進行訪問,最後再將訪談的資料與相關理論進行分析並探討轉型類型和成長方向。本研究的主要發現為: 1.在創業期,亞力山卓採行的策略是產品轉型策略。成長方向是利用技術升級;成長模式為內部發展;多角化類型是單一產品階段。 2.在成長階段,亞力山卓利用市場轉型策略和多角化轉型策略。雖然在此階段採取兩種不同的轉型策略同時並行,但是主要策略是放在市場轉型策略面上。成長方向則是利用改變地理區域市場和顧客群;成長模式為內部發展;多角化類型是單一產品線階段。 3.在成熟期,亞力山卓採取垂直整合策略。成長方向為通路和服務;成長模式採用策略聯盟;多角化類型是單一產品線階段。 最後提出研究結論與建議作為個案公司亞力山卓參考,由於中國大陸的成本優勢已經不若以往,所以現階段可以考慮擴大垂直/整合策略以及因地制宜的專業分工,以降低製造成本;另外,在多角化方面,可以嘗試進入更多相關市場。在成長的方向上,成長類型可以朝多重產品線邁進,以調整多角化後產生的需求。


This case study is adopted the literature of business transformation and business growth. The study contains two dimension, one is the three categories of business growth, and the other is business transformation strategy. Business growth contains direction, mode of accomplish, and type. Business transformation strategy contains product transformation, market transformation, vertical/horizontal integration, and diversification. After enterprise confirming what growing stage they are, and choosing what growth strategy they adopt, we can discuss what transformation strategy it is. This study is adopted the method of case study to discuss how Alexandre pursuit their success by adopt appropriate transformation strategy in each growing stage. At the beginning, we can analysis how enterprise achieve their success by reviewing not only the theoretical literature but primary and secondary data. Then, the outcomes of interviews based on the process of questionnaires which are designed to analyze the both the type of transformation and the direction of growth. It is found in this study, 1.During entrepreneurial phase, Alexandre mainly adopts product transformation strategy . In the section of direction, technology is adopted; In the section of mode of accomplish, internal development is adopted; In the section of type, single line is adopted. 2.During growth phase, Alexandre adopts market transformation strategy and diversification. Nevertheless, they mainly adopts market transformation strategy in this phase. In the section of direction, changing region and customer strategy is adopted; In the section of mode of accomplish, internal development is adopted; In the section of type, single product line is adopted. 3.During maturity phase, Alexandre mainly adopts vertical integration strategy . In the section of direction, channels and service is adopted; In the section of mode of accomplish, strategy alliance is adopted; In the section of type, single product line is adopted. Eventually, the conclusion and suggestions will be provided in this study for the usage of future reference. As a result of the product cost is more expensive than it used to be, they can adopt a contingent strategy to reduce the production cost. Moreover, they can try to entry more related diversification market. In the growth direction, they may make their way forward the multiple product line, for the sake of demand which they need after diversifying.


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