  • 學位論文


The study of Smart Grid deployment and development potential in Taiwan

指導教授 : 張四立


我國智慧電網現況與發展潛勢探討 摘 要 近年來天災頻繁,造成人類生命財產的嚴重威脅與損失,溫室氣 體造成地球暖化,影響全球氣候是多數人的共識,既然極端氣候是必 須面對的事實,除被動調適(adaptation)也應積極降低溫室氣體排 放,減緩地球表面溫度驟升壓力。 為了降低化石燃料的使用而積極發展低碳排的太陽能、風能發電 設備。然而太陽能與風能受制於自然環境,其間歇特性必須藉由適當 的容量調度,才能提高機組發電效率,而智慧電網的即時雙向通信功 能,是提升機組發電效率與降低線路損失的最佳工具。 智慧電網為整合電子、電腦、監控及通訊的新興科技,因此國外 經驗的獲得十分重要,所謂「他山之石,可以攻錯」,借力使力規避 不當之佈署政策,減少投資風險。政策推動須順勢而為,電子科技是 智慧電網發展重要的一環,也是我國的強勢產業,發揮強項帶動產業 促進經濟發展,對我國而言,是機會也是挑戰。以決策工具SWOT來探 討內在優勢以及外界環境的影響因素,如何把握機會發揮本身優勢, 以及降低外在影響,理出理想的發展策略,是本論文的論述目的。 關鍵詞:智慧電網、間歇性能源、雙向通訊


智慧電網 間歇性 雙向通訊


The study of Smart Grid deployment and development potential in Taiwan Abstract Recently, frequent natural disasters have caused a serious threat to losses in human lives and properties. Most people have recognized that Global warming was caused by the greenhouse gases emission and thereby causing the global climate change. We must not only to face the extreme weather problem by passively adopting adaptation measures but also have to actively reduce greenhouse gas emissions for eliminating the soared pressure of the rising of the Earth's surface temperature. It is expected to reduce fossil fuel use by the development of substituting clean energy like solar photovoltaic (PV), wind power, etc. However, the intermittent traits in the output from solar PV and wind farm resulting from natural environment changes must to be solved by using the immediate capacity dispatch to improve the unit power generation efficiency. The instant two-way communication function of Smart Grid may be the best tool to enhance the efficiency of power generation units as well as to reduce wire heat losses. Smart Grid system is an integration of electronics, computers, monitors and emerging communications technologies. Thus by leveraging the foreign experiences, so-called "Stones from other hills may serve to polish wrong", the investment risk due to improper deployment strategies can be avoided. The policy should take advantage of the strengths of our electronic technology industry which constitute the core of Smart Grid system, to inspire the advance economic development. The study uses the SWOT analysis to evaluate the opportunities and threats of the smart grid development in Taiwan, and also the strengths and weaknesses of our ICT industry, thereby formulates a practical development strategy. Keyword:Smart Grid、intermittent renewable resources、two-way communication


smartgrid intermittent two-way communication


(20) 郭峯明(2010),《智慧電網產業競爭優勢之經營策略分析》,國立交通
New Strategy for Structural Reform Big Sky, United States 16 May
Networks of The future",European smart grid technology
