  • 學位論文


Segregation or Inclusion?: vocational training and employment process for people with hearing impairment.

指導教授 : 張恆豪


職業訓練是傳授個人就業所需的職業技能,或提升其工作上所需的工作技能與相關知識,所實施的各種訓練。特別對於那些無法在學校的資源體系中養成就業技能的聽覺障礙者而言,畢業以後再透過職業訓練的技能強化,更是他們進入競爭性勞動市場相當重要的中介服務之一。然而,聽障者卻常被排除在一般的訓練方案之外,而僅能參加以協助技術能力要求較低的身心障礙者職訓專班,使得原本有工作潛力的聽覺障礙者,因為外界的標籤與污名化,成為被制度製造出來的障礙者,而無法達到職業重建所欲追求進入或重返競爭職場的積極目的。本研究透過訪談與分析,整理出聽障者、訓練機構及雇主三方對聽障者就業的需求與期待。研究發現:開辦專班的職訓單位雖已考量障礙者的就業能力而主動開發較基礎的工作機會,但因與訓練內容較不相關,反易使結訓學員有學非所用的失落感;而聽障者參加專班的原因有多數是以為只有專班是免費參訓,顯示聽障者除了在報名甄試的階段不容易錄取外,可能連前端的資源宣導也早就被排除在外。最後,在雇主的部分,聽障者的工作態度與政府的持續支持協助,為影響企業持續雇用聽障者的主要因素。 綜上,本研究建議:(一)推動融合式訓練環境的改善,並建立完整的錄訓評估與職業輔導評量指標,讓聽障者可以適性的參加職業訓練服務方案。(二)輔導專班的承訓單位提升訓練規劃能力或轉型為以就業支持為主、特殊障別訓練為輔的服務提供者。(三)提供雇主專業持續的支持協助(從訓練服務、僱用獎助、職務再設計及就業支持服務、工作教練等包裹式的整合型服務),而非個別計畫型的補助,增加聽障者的就業穩定度。


For hearing impaired persons who did not develop employment skills in educational system, to improve their skills through vocational training is one of intermediary services to support them to enter labor market. However, people with hearing impairment are often excluded from general training programs. They can only participate in those special vocational training courses designed for people with disabilities, especially for people with intellectual disabilities. In other words, hearing impaired persons who have working potential might be “impaired created by the system” and been excluded from work due to the label and stigma created by “special vocational training course. This study focus on the vocational training policies and employment for people with hearing impairment by interviewing disabilities vocational training institution, hearing impaired persons, and employers who have hired hearing impaired persons. These study shows special vocational training institutions tend to offer jobs with lower skills requirements. The training they offered and job requirements are not so relevant. The inconsistency of training and labor market will make the hearing impaired persons feel lost. In addition, we should put more efforts to support persons with hearing impairment in their workplace and support employers to create enabling working environment. In sum, to further promote the employment of persons with hearing impairment, this study suggests: (1). new policy should include hearing-impaired persons to participate in regular vocational training program with appropriate support. (2) training institutions should address the differences among persons with different disabilities. (3). New policy should provide continued professional support to assist employers (a integrated service package including training services, employment awards, job accommodation, supporting employment services and job coaching), rather than individual project-based subsidies.




