  • 學位論文


The Analysis on Congestion Tax and Parking Fee

指導教授 : 蔡智發


根據世界銀行統計資料顯示,近年來全球各地因為交通擁擠造成之能源耗損與環境污染逐年上升,使各國更加關注這交通擁擠的議題。1920年經濟學家Pigou認為擁擠外部性的產生是因為用路者有意或無意忽略對他人產生的外部影響,故須以徵收擁擠稅方式來達到外部成本內部化的效果。自此以後,最適定價、次佳定價與各種道路定價的理論與文獻開始蓬勃發展。1970年代開始新加坡、英國倫敦等全球各地都會區亦漸漸開始使用課徵擁擠稅的制度。   本研究針對政府政策制定下之停車費與交通擁擠稅對於開車者的行為影響作探討,以二階段賽局來推演與求解,在第一階段,政府制訂停車費/停車費與擁擠稅,在第二階段,用路者觀察到政府制訂的稅額後,考慮本身行車成本以決定是否進行交通旅次,若進行旅次,並決定開車進入市中心停車或在都市外圍停車再搭捷運進入市中心。此外,旅次以線性的需求函數處理,其中行車成本包括擁擠的成本。賽局的求解採用倒推法。在社會福利極大情況下,可求得最適交通量、最適停車費與最適擁擠稅。最後,在利用模擬以分析各種不同參數的變動下均衡解的變化。本研究成果可做為未來臺灣解決都會區擁擠問題的規劃參考。


According to World Bank statistics, it is shown that energy depletion and environmental pollution caused by traffic congestion are increasing in recent years around the world. It induces many countries to pay more attention to the traffic congestion issues. Pigou ( 1920) documents that the congestion externality is caused by the usage of roads users intentionally or unintentionally ignoring external influences on others. It needs to impose a congestion tax to achieve the effect of the internalization of external costs. Since then, the theory of optimal road pricing, second-best pricing and the theories of the related road pricing began to flourish. In the 1970s, the metropolitan areas in Singapore, London, and England have gradually levied congestion tax system. This study explores the impacts of local government’s policies of parking fees and congestion tax on the behavior of road users. This study uses two-stage game to formulate the problem. In the first stage the government sets a parking fee / parking fees and congestion tax. In the second stage road users then observes the tax levied by the government and take into account their own travel costs to determine whether to make trips. If the trips are decided, they will choose to drive into the city center and park there or to park in the urban periphery and then take the MRT to the central business district. In addition, the trip demand is formulated by a linear demand function and the travel costs include congestion costs. The game is solved by using the backward induction method. Under the goal of maximum social welfare, the optimum traffic, parking fees and the optimal congestion tax are generated. Finally, the equilibrium solutions of changes in the various parameters are analyzed by simulation. The results of this study can be used as a reference for the congestion problems in planning the metropolitan areas in Taiwan.


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