  • 學位論文


The Research of the Distinguishing Criteria of Opportunity Indecency, Compulsory Indecency and Sexual Touch Crime, and the Comment on the Court Judgment

指導教授 : 高鳳仙


自性騷擾防治法制定後,幾則爭議判決突顯出性觸摸罪與強制猥褻罪之適用界限模糊,由於性觸摸行為與猥褻行為難以區分,再加上實務上對強制猥褻罪的「強制性」認定,係以違反意願來作為判斷標準,構成要件行為與行為情狀無法清楚劃分而造成兩個條文適用上困難。此外,乘機猥褻罪的乘被害人不知或不能抗拒之行為情狀,是否僅指被害人需其本身基於一種特殊生理、心理狀態因而導致被害人處於不知或不能抗拒之狀態,抑或僅著重於非由行為人所故意造成其處於「不知或不能抗拒」之狀態即可適用,此答案亦將影響與其他兩個條文對於行為情狀或行為手段的界限如何劃分的問題。因此,本文將藉由深入探討強制猥褻罪、乘機猥褻罪與性觸摸罪的法益保護及構成要件等各該部分後,從不同的角度出發,試圖釐清三罪間的區分標準,藉以清楚劃分出何犯罪事實應如何適用各該三個罪名之大致範圍,以期減少實務上適用錯誤或者有爭議之問題,並且會針對將來可能修法之方向提出修法建議,乃為本文之研究該課題之研究動機。   本文架構上分為六章,第一章開頭為緒論,第二章則先自與強制猥褻罪與乘機猥褻罪相關內容作論述,以修法內容為始,推導出現行法之適用困難,再進入構成要件如強制性、猥褻行為概念、乘機行為情狀等要件以及相關問題討論。第三章則以性觸摸罪之構成要件如性觸摸行為、行為情狀、主觀要件等要件與相關問題為探討。於二、三章文中針對相關爭議問題輔以大量學者文獻以及實務見解,逐一深入劃分三個條文構成要件之主要框架。第四章則就分析構成要件比較所得與不同面向之說明。第五章即針對相關判決為評析,第六章則為結論與修法建議。


Since the Prevention of Sexual Harassment was formulated, several controversial judgments highlight the vague boundary of Opportunity Indecency and Compulsory Indecency due to the difficulty to distinguish between the sexsual touch behavior and the indecent conduct, besides of the court identifing violation of the victim wishes as the criterion of “the mandatory” on Compulsory Indecency. Moreover, the important question about the circumstantiality of behavior that is formulated as taking advantage of the victim who does not know or can not resist on Opportunity Indecency is whether caused by the victim being in the special Physiological or Psychological status or not. It is difficult to clearly defined the component facts and applicative range between Compulsory Indecency, Sexual Touch Crime and Opportunity Indecency. Therefore, this research investigates deep and the Protection of legal interests and the component facts of Compulsory Indecency, Sexual Touch Crime and Opportunity Indecency and tries to clarify the distinguishing criteria of these three crimes from different points of view. It proposes recommendations of amendments for law for decreasing error applications and controversial problems. This research is divided into 6 chapters. Chapter 1 is the introduction of this research. Capter 2 is a discussion of all the the problems related to Compulsory Indecency and Opportunity Indecency, including the mandatory, the conception of Indecency and the opportunity circumstantiality of behavior. Chapter 3 is a discussion of all the the component facts of Sexual Touch Crim, including sexual touch behavior, the circumstantiality of behavior and subjective component. The research quotes numerous scholarly opinions and court’s judgments to compartmentalize the boundary of the three crimes in Chapter 2 and Chapter 3. Chapter 4 is different aspects of the interpretation and analysis of component facts. Chapter 5 is the comment on the Court Judgment, and Chapter 6is the conclusion and the advice for amendment of law.




