  • 學位論文

大眾運輸導向發展下低碳城市規劃設計策略之研究 -以新北市板橋站為例

A Study of the Low Carbon City Planning and Designing Strategies Under Transit-oriented Development-A Case of Banqiao Station in New Taipei City

指導教授 : 衛萬明


氣候變遷所導致的溫室效應、海平面溫度上升、森林大火、洪水等等災害,不論是全球性或是地方性的影響,皆造成人們生命財產上的威脅。根據IPCC於2007年所提出的第四次評估報告中,強調全球平均溫度增加「非常可能」是由人為溫室氣體造成,而溫室氣體的構成中又以二氧化碳的所佔比例最高,因此將節能減碳視為達到減緩溫室效應及因應氣候變遷的策略,已是全世界擁有的共識。近年來建構低碳城市在世界上則蔚為一股風潮,世界各國推動低碳城市的策略中區分成很多個面向,其中在交通運輸、土地使用及都市設計的相關面向皆建議朝向大眾運輸導向發展(transit-oriented development, TOD)。許多研究顯示在車站周邊的環境以TOD的發展原則3D(density, diversity, design)進行規劃設計,可以增加車站周邊的住房率,也可以達到減少汽車旅次及降低汽車行駛距離,進而解決都市蔓延(urban sprawl),達到節能減碳的效果。 本研究探討以TOD為都市交通運輸主要發展下的減碳效益,透過減碳效益模式比較實證研究地區-新北市板橋站,「過去尚未進行TOD(1996年)」、「目前已有足夠大眾運輸但未完全朝向TOD發展(2011年)」兩時期下二氧化碳排放量之差異。發現2011年二氧化碳的排放總量相較於1996年是上升的;但以家戶為單位則減少了約22%的二氧化碳。由於TOD型塑緊密、混合使用的型態,使得都市總旅次增加,但是透過大眾運輸服務的提供,吸收移轉了部分旅次,導致都市地區平均家戶二氧化碳的排放量下降,證實TOD的發展的確有助於降低二氧化碳之排放。同時也針對實證地區進行TOD原則分析,並以「未來朝向理想TOD發展」綜合3D原則考量,提出四項都市規劃設計的策略,並透過問卷調查驗証該些策略影響目前使用汽、機車之族群轉移至步行、自行車或大眾運輸的比例,提供政府規劃單位未來若以TOD為策略發展低碳城市的參考依據。


Climate change causes the greenhouse effect, rising sea surface temperatures, forest fires, floods, etc. Whether global or local impact, both people's lives and property caused by the threat. According to the IPCC put forward in 2007 by the Fourth Assessment Report, it stressed that the global average temperature increases "very likely" caused by man-made greenhouse gases. They turned greenhouse gases constitute the highest proportion of carbon dioxide. In recent years, constructing the low carbon city in the world is a trend. However, transit-oriented development (TOD) is generally regarded a nice strategy to build a low carbon city in transport, land use and urban design area. In this study, it proved TOD benefits through carbon reduction in study area - Banqiao Station in New Taipei city. Divided into three scenarios, the first is " In the past, not been TOD ( 1996 year)", the second is " there are adequate public transportation but not entirely toward TOD ( 2011 year)", and the last is " ideal TOD toward future." With the carbon reduction effectiveness model, we found that carbon dioxide emissions in 2011 compared to 1996 is rising. However, household as a unit, it decreased by approximately 22% carbon dioxide. The result shows that TOD does help reduce carbon dioxide emissions. The research finally put forward four urban planning and design strategies to ideal TOD toward future, and surveys to verify that these strategies affect how many percents of using automobiles and motorcycles transfer to walking, cycling or taking the public transportion. This result can be as the reference for planners with TOD to build a low-carbon city in the future.




