  • 學位論文


Physical Environment for The Development of Cultural Park- The Cases in Taipei and Kaohsiung

指導教授 : 周志龍


我國的文創園區不僅是閒置空間的再利用,亦是藉由文化的包裝去帶動地方經濟並形塑都市意象;然而,卻也造成許多閒置用地或產業遺跡,不論其所處區位或空間大小,在轉型的結果上幾乎一律都變成文創園區使用。一個好的實質環境空間足以為產品及園區加值,當園區中的軟硬體能夠彼此學習並融合後,更能創造出獨具特色的文化與空間樣態,有利於文創園區的永續發展,一旦缺乏實質環境的支持,將來則可能需要耗費更多的資源與成本。 當前對於文創園區的研究侷限於治理與創意階級等軟實力的討論,鮮少有文獻從都市實質環境去探討文創園區的建構,故本研究以台北市的華山及松山文創園區與高雄市駁二藝術特區為研究對象,分別以基地與周邊環境等空間尺度關係進行分析討論。研究發現,公部門在決策過程中並非依據文化產業之聚集為選址標準,多數的空間也因產業出走而沒落頹敗,致使園區從設置至今,經常是獨立於區域中的發展,與周邊實質環境之互動仍非常有限,難以形成區域的產業網絡。 本研究最終指出,實質環境對文創園區發展的影響上較為隱性,大多數的規劃及經營單位在訪談之初皆認為軟文化的能力與特色才是關鍵,然而卻在許多創作過程、展演方式或相關決策上皆受到園區實質環境的影響,而展現出有別於其他場域的表現。其中又以基地環境的影響力較大,在文創園區發展的過程中,基地環境不僅提供藝文工作者基盤的設施與空間,也因為有一個明確空間意象的場域,故而更容易讓其中的廠商品牌化。本研究建議未來在既有的文創園區經營上,應加強園區與周邊環境之連結,擴展知識經濟之影響力;而在設置文創園區的決策過程中,則應評估基地與周邊之實質環境條件是否足以支持園區長久的發展,而非所有的古蹟或產業遺址皆適合文創園區經營使用。


The building of cultural and creative parks in Taiwan not only takes advantage of unused space, but it also promotes local economies and shapes urban images by making culture into a product and skillfully “packaging” it. However, this trend has resulted in unused spaces or remains left behind by people from various industries being exclusively transformed into cultural and creative parks regardless of their location or size. Cultural creative parks built in a good physical environment will provide added value to both the parks and their products. When the software and hardware of the parks work in unison, unique culture and spatial appearance conducive to the sustainable development of the parks are created. However, cultural and creative parks built in a poor and deficient physical environment will result in the additional consumption of resources as well as higher incurred costs. Current studies on cultural and creative parks have encountered limitations as they merely discussed soft power such as park governance and “creative class”; literature that investigated the construction of cultural and creative parks from the perspective of a city’s physical environment has been deficient. In this study, the Huashan1914 Creative Park and the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park of Taipei City, and the Pier-2 Art Center of Kaohsiung City were selected as study targets. Subsequently, an analysis was performed using spatial relationships between site location and the surrounding environment. The study showed that during the public sector’s decision-making process, site selection was not made based on uniting the cultural industry of the area. This ultimately caused the majority of the vendors in the cultural and creative parks to leave, which contributed to the decline of the parks. Park operation became disconnected from the area and interactions with the surrounding physical environment remained limited, making regional industrial network formation difficult. This study also showed that the effect of physical environment on the development of cultural and creative parks is relatively implicit and that most planning and management units believed that the strengths and unique characteristics of “soft culture” were the keys to successful park development. These planning and management units subsequently faced challenges due to physical environment deficiencies during their item/product creation process, performance method selection process, and related decision-making process, resulting in the dissimilarity between the parks and other places of attraction. Of all the physical environment factors, site location environment exhibited a relatively more significant effect; during the cultural and creative park development process, good site location environment provided not only the basic facilities and space for art workers to work, but also clear spatial imageries for manufacturers to facilitate product branding. Recommendations were thus made to existing cultural and creative park management units to expand the influence of the knowledge economy by strengthening the connection between parks and their surrounding environment. Furthermore, when building cultural and creative parks, these management units should assess whether the site location and the surrounding physical environment can support sustainable park development. More importantly, they should stay away from the belief that historical sites or remains left behind by people from various industries are all suitable candidates for cultural and creative park management.


