  • 學位論文


Community-Based Conservation in rural practice: A Case Study of Protest Movement in Wan-Bao Community

指導教授 : 廖本全


保育思潮從十九世紀走到二十世紀,經歷了百餘年的時代演變,人們對於「保育」的概念與實踐方式亦逐漸轉變。近幾十年來,由於環境資源的破壞、政經局勢的轉變、田野經驗的累積以及氣候環境變遷等因素,傳統發展模式開始受到挑戰;傳統保育思潮開始出現保育典範移轉,浮現以在地為主的保育取徑。 本研究以社基保育為理論視角,探討在農村社區中,居民如何以自主的行動與決策,在發展與在地保育間取得平衡。在地居民如何以自身的力量捍衛家園的完整性;實踐社基保育在地行動的精神;面對外在制度環境的變遷,農村社區在地居民透過行動實踐家園的保衛戰,走出台灣主流發展思維的框架。 在社基保育集體行動中,在地居民用行動彰顯社區的自主性,在行動的過程中找到自我定位和自我價值;並認清人與社區、人與所處環境,相互的關係與定位。也在行動的過程中,了解社區與外在權力關係間的互動、互利或相互箝制。制度的變遷是造成社基保育行動開啟的觸媒,而在社基保育集體行動的過程中,觸發行動的誘因影響社區行動的決策方向、社區行動的方向又將重塑原有的制度體系。此一連動的關係是社基保育的個案實踐中值得探討的面向,而在國內社基保育相關案例的研究中較少著墨。本文以誘因要素切入,探討社基保育集體行動如何在規範性、社會性及功利性誘因要素的影響下開啟保育行動的動能,以及在保育行動的過程中,各項誘因要素如何變化並影響保育行動的發展方向與目標價值。 在苗栗縣後龍鎮灣寶社區的家園保衛戰研究中顯示,一項成功的抗爭型社基保育行動,功利性誘因是抗爭行動中的基本訴求;而社會性誘因是建立動員能量與行動網絡平台的關鍵要素;規範性誘因是社基保育行動能量得以持續堅持的關鍵因素。在過去社基保育行動誘因要素相關研究中,政府欲驅動社區的保育行動,多以功利性誘因引導其參與保育行動,但當功利性誘因滅失後,保育行動也就停滯。然而在灣寶社區案例中可以看出,由在地居民自主行動的社區保育行動與發展方向,因社會性誘因與規範性誘因的能量,使社基保育行動有對內的凝聚力以及對外的號召能量。本文研究個案為農村社區自主行動,走出主流社會發展思維的框架並進一步延伸了社基保育的個案研究範疇。


Following the debates, because of the changing of environmental, political, economic and climate changing, the concept and the practice of conservation have been getting to change. The approach of conservation has been changed by paradigm shift. An alternative paradigm has emerged that embraces a Community-based approach. This paper is based on Community-based Conservation (CBC). By case study of rural community, delving that how the local residents through autonomous activities and decision to strike a balance of conservation and development. A community-based conservation is a complex system problem and should employ tools and approach for dealing with complexity. The practice of CBC is based on the understanding of the interplay between human society and natural environment. In the process of community-based conservation actions, it has particular in understanding the influence of external institution and the incentive factors acting in the community. Because of the external institution changing is the catalyst of CBC. This paper focuses on the influence of incentive on conservation activities. Further, it delves how the three incentive factors (utilitarian, social, normative) which influence conservation activities. Based on the case study of Wan-Bao Community, the result from a successful resistant activity of CBC includes three elements. First, the incentive of utilitarian is the basic element. Second, the incentive of social is a key point in the conservation action of CBC, it is the source of energy in collective action and building actor network. Finally, the incentive of normative is the main factor of maintaining the energy of the activity. In the past, studies about CBC revealed the community conservation activities activated by the government that always induced by the incentive of utilitarian. However, in most of CBC studies, we found that the conservation activities would be getting suspended when the incentive disappeared. However, the case of Wan-Bao, the community conservation activity and the development are induced by the local resident autonomy, thus, the incentive of social and the incentive of normative made the activity continue and success. Thus, the theory of CBC is effective used by this paper of rural practice which is a community action of protest movement.


鍾麗娜、徐世榮(2011)省悟一土地徵收問題之根源所在,《土地問題研究季刊》,10(3): 22-31。
李承嘉(2008),〈土地、人民與國家—民眾對土地政策選擇的歷史觀察〉,《土地問題研究季刊》,7(1): 2-33 。


