  • 學位論文


Research of the Abortion Crime ─ Observe from the Attitude toward the Fetus

指導教授 : 劉幸義


因為人們如何看待胎兒會直接影響對墮胎行為的評價,所以本文試圖由觀察人們對待胎兒的態度為出發點來研究墮胎罪。透過探究墮胎議題的核心,重新審視胎兒與懷胎婦女的關係,並以此為據檢討我國刑法墮胎罪章的規定。 在架構上本文共分為五章: 第一章緒論:說明寫作的動機與目的,研究的範圍與受到的限制,及本文的脈絡。 第二章名詞定義:為了避免其後的討論陷入各自表述的窘境,因此一開始就先提出本文對胎兒、懷胎婦女和墮胎這三個概念的界定。先由事實層面來了解這些概念所指涉的對象,之後再回到這些概念在法律上的意涵;因為自然的事實與法律的描述不一定會(也不一定要)一致。 第三章墮胎罪章及其保護之法益:刑法墮胎罪章是本文擬要檢討的對象,本章先敘述它的規範內容及其規定的理由,接著由檢討實務上的判決來探索墮胎罪章所要保護的法益,最後並以法益概念的學說來檢視墮胎罪章的保護法益。 第四章對待胎兒態度的轉變:本章首先觀察並歸納出幾種對待胎兒的不同態度,以及因此而對墮胎行為產生的不同評價;以資證明人們如何看待胎兒真的會直接影響對墮胎行為的評價。接著將觀察的重心移到台灣的現行法上,藉由分析討論《優生保健法》及《人工生殖法》,以發現立法者對待胎兒的立場和制定刑法墮胎罪時的立場的轉變。最後更要進一步去設想在墮胎議題中,有沒有可能將關懷的對象由胎兒轉向懷胎婦女身上。倘若墮胎罪的設立在於保護懷胎婦女的法益,那麼保護的會是懷胎婦女的何種法益?其具體內涵為何?在事實上與法理上的依據又為何? 最後第五章結論:經由一連串的討論,最後要歸結研究的心得,以此作為檢討與修正刑法墮胎罪章的根據。


Abortion is a controversial issue. However, pro-life or pro-choice, that is not a question about correctness or fault, but about what kind of values you prefer choosing. Realizing the relationship between the fetus and the pregnant women will give us an insight into the reasonableness of punishment for abortion and if necessary, to make an amendment to the abortion crimes. This thesis is consisted of five chapters, and the main content of it is abstracted as follows: Chapter 1 Introduction Introduce the motivation, purpose, range, limitation and correlation of this research. Chapter 2 Definition of Key Conceptions To avoid the discordant understanding, it helps to define the conceptions of fetus, pregnant woman and abortion first of all. It is helpful for us to handle these conceptions by studying each of them based on the biological science, but the same word doesn’t necessarily has the same meaning in different fields. The same word describing the natural fact and its meaning in the context of the law will not necessarily be consistent. Chapter 3 Abortion Regulations and the Legal Interests of Abortion Crime Analyze the abortion regulations of criminal law to examine the righteousness behind its drawing up. It is universally agreed upon that without violation of the legal interests, no punishment is needed. Therefore it is necessary to justify the legal interest of abortion crime. However, not every regulation of criminal law upholds the genuine legal interest. The question of whether the “legal interests” that abortion crime claims to protect is genuine or not has to be proved by “the theory of legal interest”. Chapter 4 Transformation of the attitude toward the fetus First, it observes and summarizes a couple of various attitudes towards the fetus, thus forming divergent opinions towards the act of abortion. Next, it focuses on Taiwan's current law related to abortion. The shifting position upholds by legislators in regard to the treating of fetus and the related governing law can be observed by analyzing "Eugenics Law" and "Artificial Insemination Law". Finally, it supposes turning the focus from the fetus to the pregnant women. If the establishment of abortion crime is meant to protect the legal interests of the pregnant women, specifically what kind of legal interests are being referred to in this context? Is there any reason to justify this supposition? This research tries to search the answers to these questions. Chapter 5 Conclusion In the last chapter, it will summarize the above-mentioned contents, and make an amendment to abortion regulations of criminal law accordingly.


艾立勤(Louis Aldrich, S.J.),《維護人性尊嚴─天主教生命倫理觀》,光啟文化事業出版(2001/11初版)。
Ronald Dworkin,李冠宜譯,《法律帝國》,台北,時英(2002)。


