  • 學位論文

應用FMEA及QC Story手法降低品質失敗成本之研究-以”金屬沖壓廠J公司”為例

Use FMEA and QC Story to decline Cost of Quality Failure---The Case Study of Metal Stamping J Company

指導教授 : 李文瑞


TFT-LCD產業因應市場需求,目前TV產品設計趨勢採大尺寸、輕量化、薄型化、LED光源….等為重點訴求,其產品生命週期短,幾乎各大廠每年都推陳出新提供不同的設計及款式來競爭,但往往開發期不長,客戶品質要求逐年提升,在此開發量產快速的情況下,所衍生出來的品質問題,往往是各面板供應鏈所注重之經營績效的關鍵指標之一。 本研究針對TFT-LCD產業之上游零件供應商---金屬沖壓業之開發量產過程,針對個案公司之案例機種導入以降低風險評估優先指數(Risk Priority Number,RPN),並列出改善順序與解決對策,以採取事先預防措施;並以QC Story的手法,作課題的植入及持續改善的循環,以假說驗證其改善後之RPN值與品質失敗成本、製程不良率、客戶銷退率….等應變數之關連性。並驗證此兩種工具之結合確實能夠將產品開發初期之問題點逐步解決,降低品質失敗成本 研究結果顯示RPN值改善及QC Story手法導入確實有助降低公司的內部失敗成本、外部失敗成本、總失敗成本、製程不良率及客戶銷退率。各管理指標若無客戶端之干擾因素,以個案研究導入之改善工具,確實能發揮一定之改善效果,且於改善後各管理指標有明顯下降之趨勢。 本研究為首次將FMEA及QC Story之兩種改善工具整合為一,除可提供給相關友廠、業界當成施作範例外,亦可提供學界與實務界參考。


In order to adapt the demand in the market, TFT-LCD producers emphasize on points of large-sized, light-weighted, LED illuminant and etc. in designing TV products. The life cycle of these products is short, so most famous companies provide different designs and styles for competitions year by year. Moreover, customers require better and better quality. Under the situation of fast mass productions, quality issues become one of the critical points to the faceplate supplier. This research takes a metal pressing company, which is a component supplier of TFT-LCD, as a case. By studying the implementation of FMEA, QC story, the research examines the relationships between the decreased RPN and the failure cost of quality, the decreased RPN and the percent defective in process, and the decreased RPN and the return rate of products. The study aims at confirming the alternative hypotheses that the implementation of the FMEA and QC story are effective that can significantly reduce the failure cost, percent defective in process, and the return rate of products. The test results show the alternative hypotheses are all verified. It indicates that the earlier actions taken on the quality problems will certainly enhance the performance in operations of the case company. This research is the first one to integrate the FMEA and QC story as a valuable tool which can effectively solve quality problems. The procedure and the results of the research are good references to someone who interested in.


Failure Cost of Quality FMEA QC Story Metal stamping


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