  • 學位論文


Photobleaching of coralline algae correlated to proton generation in calcification

指導教授 : 陳恕行


由於二氧化碳排放造成海洋酸化對地球生態系統造成很大威脅。鈣化藻與包括珊瑚和軟體動物的鈣化族群最易受酸性環境傷害。鈣化藻有重要生態作用,他們會幫無脊椎動物製造定居的基材。鈣化再生物界很常見,相信是要避免磷酸鹽在細胞內結晶而發展出的能力鹼由於早期海洋鈣離子濃度增加,使得許多海洋生物發展出將鈣離子從細胞內部排出的能力媒介。目前海洋中的鈣化作用都是受到生命的調控。 本研究探討是否可利用螢光來判斷鈣化藻的健康度,螢光用420-490 nm 激發光及用515 nm長通濾波來觀察螢光。他們發螢光的能力與鈣化作用有關聯。它們利用原始的方式擷取太陽能,使得他們能夠發出螢光。相對於較現代光合作用植物所使用的開迴路電子流系統,鈣化藻使用的是閉迴路。若能將螢光和鈣化作用之間的關係做一個深入的理解,便可以方便地確定鈣化藻的健康。鈣化也是產生膨壓的機制。


鈣化藻 螢光 鈣化作用


The increasing acidity of ocean resulting from CO2 emission poses a great threat to the marine ecosystem. Coralline algae along with other calcifying organisms, including coral and mollusk, are especially vulnerable to acid environment. Coralline algae play an important in marine ecosystem as they are often responsible for laying settlement substrate invertebrates. Calcification is widespread among biota, this ability may originate from the desire to extrude calcium ion from inside their cells to avoid problematic precipitation of calcium phosphate. It is proposed that fluorescence emission from coralline algae can be used as an indicator of their fitness and their calcifying ability. The fluorescent emission is excited with a 420-490 nm source and examined with a 515 long pass filter. The ATP production strategy flow in coralline algae, using phycoerythrin as light capturing pigment, differs from those of using chlorophyll. Calcification which also generates protons is closely connected to photosynthesis as protons may be important in photosynthesis. The calcium carbonate also provides necessary turgor pressure. Investigation into coralline algae can generate valuable knowledge on the process and functions of biocalcification.


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