  • 學位論文


A Study of the Actual Usage of the On-line Signature Verification System for Electronic Official Documents : Take Municipality Government--Kaohsiung as an Example

指導教授 : 衛祖賞


隨著資訊工業大幅的成長,公務機關的行政效能已大幅度的被民眾所要求。民眾資訊知識的提升,更刺激了公務部門必須藉由數位化、電子化來提昇工作效率與品質,且為機關的組織流程再造提供了新的思維。 公務部門同仁每日所使用的公文管理系統便是與行政效率所息息相關的,傳統的公文管理系統已不敷現行資訊科技社會所需,「電子公文線上簽核」更是目前各公務機關所迫切需要的,2010年台灣進行了首次的縣市合併,合併後的縣市政府土地幅員大大的擴增,更突顯出「電子公文線上簽核」之重要性及急需性,使公文簽核不受「時」、「地」限制,減少了公文核判的等待時間,且提高公文傳輸速度與品質,對日後公文之稽核更能有效的管理。 為達成公文文書作業「無紙化」的目標,行政院研考會已要求各縣市政府於民國101年完成公文線上簽核作業;今年適逢五都合併首年,合併縣市組織架構的變更及行政流程的改變,需於民國101年達成研考會之要求實屬不易,如何建立一套適用於合併後之縣市政府所使用之電子公文線上簽核系統,除需考量各所屬機關屬性、公文流程、資料共用性及與其他應用系統之整合外,資料的安全保存及未來的擴充亦須一併考量。本論文將深入分析合併前後電子公文系統流程之差異外,另一方面將分析電子公文線上簽核系統之規劃及導入流程,以做為各機關導入電子公文線上簽核系統之參考。


電子公文 線上簽核


By a wide margin growth of information industry, official administrative authorities efficiency has substantial required by the people. People enhance more information and knowledge, official administrative should improve the efficiency and the quality of the work. Official document system is related to the efficiency of the administrative. The traditional official document system does not suit with the digital society. “On-line signature verification system for electronic official documents” is what the official administrative really need. Taiwan was divided into a top tier of five “Municipalities Directly under the Jurisdiction of the Central Government” and a second tier of 17 cities and counties. “On-line signature verification system for electronic official documents” is really important and necessary because it is not limited by time and place. It could raise the efficiency and the quality of delivering the official document. To achieve the “non-paper” target, every municipal has to finish the on-line signature verification system for electronic official documents on 2012, which is required by Research Development and Evaluation Commission. It is hard to reach the goal because of the Taiwan's municipal upgrades. “On-line signature verification system for electronic official documents” should consider by the every institution, procedure of the official document, information sharing and systems integration. We have to think of saving and expanding the information as well. The thesis will analyze the difference between the electronic official document procedure before and after of upgrading Taiwan's municipal and a scheme of on-line signature verification system for electronic official documents to refer to every institute.


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[2] 行政院研究發展考核委員會,”計畫目標”,電子公文節能減紙推動計畫(草案),2009年3月


陳淑銘(2013)。公文線上簽核系統使用之滿意度研究 -以經濟部為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2013.00550
