  • 學位論文

以碳纖維增強錫 - 鉛合金之複合材料的磨耗

Wear of Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Tin-Lead Alloy Composites

指導教授 : 何智廷


摘要 錫-鉛合金具有性能穩定、嵌入性、熔點低、流動性佳及耐腐蝕性等性質。目前最常應用於焊料、軸承、航太工業及電子業上,若能增加軸承強度,便可減少整體軸承的尺寸將更節省成本及空間。 本實驗將碳纖維浸泡在0.1mol/L的濃縮氫氧化鈉(NaOH)電解液放置3分鐘,在放置硫酸鎳浴,經8伏特和10安培電鍍12∼15分鐘,完成纖維鍍層,將碳纖維放入模穴,把模具溫度升溫至150℃,接著將液體焊料加熱到300℃倒入模具,維持在150℃和壓力範圍30到50MPa,立即通過活塞在模具頂部施加壓力,在壓力下維持10分鐘,同時模具冷卻至接近室溫。 最後實驗結果發現,經過鍍層的碳纖維之複合材料與沒經過鍍層碳纖維之複合材料相比之下,經過鍍層的碳纖維之複合材料具有較高的拉伸強度,且在磨料磨損條件下,含有鍍層纖維之複合材料是比較好的,但在滑動磨損下未含鍍層纖維之複合材料是比較好的。


錫-鉛合金 碳纖維


Abstract Tin-lead alloys with stable performance, embedded, low melting point, good fluidity, and corrosion resistance properties. Currently most often used in solder, bearings, aerospace and electronics industry, and if we can increase the bearing strength, it can reduce the overall dimensions of the bearing will be more cost and space. This experiment will carbon fiber soaking in 0.1mol/L of concentrated sodium hydroxide (NaOH) electrolytic liquid placed 3 minutes, in placed sulfuric acid nickel bath, by 8 volts and 10 amps plating 12-15 minutes, completed fiber surface processing, will carbon fiber into mold cavity, put mold temperature warming to 150 ℃, then will liquid solder heating to 300 ℃ pour mold, maintained in 150 ℃ and pressure range 30 to 50 MPa, immediately through piston in mold top Department put pressure on, in pressure maintained 10 minutes, While the mold is cooled to near room temperature. Test results found that after surface treatment of carbon fiber composite material and without surface treatment of carbon fiber composites, by contrast, after surface treatment has a high tensile strength and abrasion conditions, containing coated fiber composites are relatively good, but under sliding wear does not contain the coating of fiber composites are relatively good.


Tin-lead alloy Carbon fiber


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