  • 學位論文


A Research on The Effect of Intuition, Emotion and Rational Analysis toward Decision-Making – The Examples of Taiwan and Vietnam

指導教授 : 呂麒麟


本研究的主要目的是將直覺、情緒、理性三因子,用來針對台灣及越南的投資者,在進行投資決策時,會以哪因子優先做考量,並且更進一步以性別之間為分界,探討是否會因這三因素,而在決策上,有更顯著的關聯性。 本研究隨機抽取225個台灣及越南的投資者,進行問卷調查,結果發現:在直覺、情緒與理性分析上,都顯著影響兩國的投資決策。此外,本研究適才發現:原來個人經驗值,並不會直接性的影響到台灣人在進行投資決策上的一項考量。而在越南投資者上面,則是不考量投資所帶來的利潤。然而在性別方面,本研究發現:直覺、情緒、理性這三項因子,對男生及女生之間是有顯著差異。尤其在針對投資決策時,越南女生及台灣男生傾向受理性因子影響,並在情緒及直覺上,有連帶關聯;而越南男生及台灣女生則較傾向直覺因子,並在理性及直覺上,有連帶關聯。故研究結果顯示:進行投資決策時,女生兩國皆易受情緒所


直覺 理性分析 情緒 投資決策


The purpose of this study first was to examine and secondly compare the three factors emotion, intuition and rational analysis that influence financial decision-making of Taiwanese and Vietnamese investors. There have 225 respondents in both Viet Nam and Taiwan joined the survey. Results found that: intuition, emotion and rational analysis affected both Vietnamese and Taiwanese investors. These three factors co-influence in pairs: rational analysis plus intuition, rational analysis plus emotion, finally intuition plus emotion also affect two nations’ investors when they do make decisions. This study also found out an interesting result that personal experience of intuition failed to influence Taiwanese investors. Hope of taking profit failed to influence Vietnamese investors. There have significant cross-countries gender differences under the influence of intuition, emotion and rational analysis. Taiwanese males and Vietnamese females are prone to be more affected by rational analysis. Both of them also are affected by co-influence of emotion and intuition. Vietnamese males and Taiwanese females are prone to be more affected by intuition when they do make decisions. Two of them are affected by the co-influence of rational analysis and intuition. Both Taiwanese and Vietnamese females are prone to be more affected by emotion when they do make decisions they are also more affected by the co-influence of rational analysis and emotion.


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