  • 學位論文


A Study of Bicycle Power Generation Mechanism Based on Lean Value Innovation

指導教授 : 顧瑞祥
共同指導教授 : 張清波 吳家宏(JIA-HROUNG WU)


自行車逐漸成為台灣民眾休閒運動新趨勢,自行車環島或騎車運動目前已成為全台民眾假日最夯的休閒活動之一,而自行車發電機構產品也不斷地被創新及改良,精實管理,在國內被許多產業視為重要的價值創新標竿(Benchmarking),由眾多案例可知導入精實的產業的確能創造價值、提升效率、杜絕浪費及降低成本。引進精實手法,似乎是眾多產業的未來趨勢,而在產品的創新設計及開發上,精實的概念尚未萌芽。 本研究針對自行車發電機構實際導入精實管理,以顧客需求為導向,改善及縮短在設計時所產生的瓶頸及浪費並提升效率創造出更好更佳的產品並利用價值溪流(VS)分析繪製現況流程圖 (As-Is Model),創新設計出未來流程圖 (To-be Model),本研究之精實價值創新模式可供其他業界產品之創新設計參考。 經過實驗結果顯示,本研究設計出一種新型自行車發電機構,一種構造簡單、維修容易、製程簡化、成本低廉及零摩擦方式發電的自行車發電機構。本自行車發電機構不分對象、年齡、性別及族群,對任何使用者都能夠達到相同用途,而且在直觀易用上,不論使用者有無操作經驗及知識,本自行車發電機構形式及功能都很容易了解及操作,並且本研究依序發展出三型自行車發電機構除了能提供夜間警示、照明功能,還能達到充電後供給後續電能之使用。 在騎乘舒適度方面,創新設計出一種完全無摩擦式的發電機構,可讓使用者舒適且不費力地使用,使其疲憊感降至最低,在結構簡化及組裝便利上創新設計出只需要四個元件,八道組裝步驟,就能組裝完成,最後,本研究之自行車發電機構採用磁鐵與線圈非接觸方式感應發電,因此沒有廢舊電池的產生及回收問題,對於環境的汙染可說是大大的降低。


Riding bikes has become an uprising trend of recreational sports. Bicycle dynamos have shown ceaseless improvement and innovation because of lean management. Such management is deemed as a standard of value creation by many domestic industries. Many cases demonstrate that industries can effectively create values, increase efficiency, root out wasting and lower costs if lean management policies adopted. Introduction to the policy seems to be a trend for many industries, whereas such a concept has not sprouted in innovative design and development of products. This study centers on the lean management by which the manufacturers better fulfill customers’ demand, reduced wasting, overcome the bottleneck to design, and raise the efficiency. Moreover, they use value stream analysis to chart the process flow, and initiate the use of future flow chart. The lean pattern of innovation promoted in this study can be a reference for other industries. The result indicates that this study devises a new bicycle dynamo, which is easy to produce, or repair. The process is also streamlined so that the cost of the non-friction dynamo is reduced. The stated bicycle dynamo fits users of any age, gender or ethnicity. Further, it is easy to learn to handle regardless of users’ experienced. We develop three models of bicycle dynamos, which provides with lighting for night riding and power recharge. Its non-friction dynamo offers riders comfortable and effortless experience. What’s more, the assembly takes only eight steps with four parts because of their simplified structures. Last but not the least, as the dynamos adopts non-contact electricity generation by magnet and coil, there is no problems such as deposit and recycling of used battery.


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