  • 學位論文


Research on the Behavior of Using Cloud-Based Official Documents Online Submission and Approval System–Elementary Schools in Yunlin County

指導教授 : 吳昌憲


資訊科技已普遍應用於我們日常生活中,透過網際網路,能加速並便捷的傳遞資訊。透過雲端公文線上簽核系統,不但能達到「無紙化」、「節能減碳」的目的,還方便且有系統的存取大量的公文,提升學校的行政效率。 本研究採量化研究,以「雲林縣國小教職員對雲端公文線上簽核系統之使用行為分析研究調查問卷」為研究工具,藉由科技接受模式、與資訊系統成功模式的概念,探討雲林縣國小教職員對雲端公文線上簽核系統的認知有用性、認知易用性、系統品質、資訊品質、服務品質及使用意願。根據研究提出以下結論,以供教育行政機關、學校機關及後續研究者的參考。 1.雲林縣國小教職員普遍認同「雲端公文線上簽核系統」並願意繼續使用。 2.雲林縣國小教職員對「雲端公文線上簽核系統」的認知有用性、認知易用性會影響系統使用意願,符合科技接受模式理論。 3.雲林縣國小教職員對「雲端公文線上簽核系統」的系統品質、資訊品質、服務品質,會影響系統使用意願,符合資訊系統成功模式理論。 4.依據本研究分析結果指出,雲林縣國小教職員對「雲端公文線上簽核系統」的認知有用性、認知易用性,呈現高度正相關。 5.依據本研究分析結果指出,雲林縣國小教職員對「雲端公文線上簽核系統」的系統品質、資訊品質、服務品質,呈現正相關。 6.不同學校規模的雲林縣國小教職員,對系統的認知有用性、認知易用性、系統品質有顯著差異。 7.不同服務年資的雲林縣國小教職員,對系統的認知有用性、系統品質、資訊品質、服務品質有顯著差異。 8.不同系統使用頻率的雲林縣國小教職員,對系統的認知有用性、認知易用性、資訊品質、服務品質有顯著差異。


The information technology has been widely implemented in our daily life. Through the internet, the information can be transmitted in a faster and easier way. With Cloud-Based Official Documents Online Submission and Approval System, the schools are able to improve the efficiency in administration works by systematically accessing into the massive official documents and reaching the goals of the “paperless work” and the “carbon reduction ”. This research is a quantitative study. Using questionnaire designed in this thesis as the researching tool, through the concept of the Technology Acceptance Model and the Information Systems Success Model, this study is aimed to discuss the perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, system quality, information quality, service quality and the willingness to uses of Official Documents Online Submission and Approval System by Yunlin County elementary schools faculty. The conclusion of this study shall be provided as the reference for the educational administration, school authorities and subsequent researchers. 1. The Yunlin County elementary schools faculty generally agree with Cloud-Based Official Documents Online Submission and Approval System and are willing to continue using the system. 2. The perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use of the Yunlin County elementary schools faculty towards Cloud-Based Official Documents Online Submission and Approval System affect the willingness to use this system, which conforms to the Technology Acceptance Model Theory. 3.The system quality, information quality, service quality of the Yunlin County elementary schools faculty towards Cloud-Based Official Documents Online Submission and Approval System affect the willingness to use this system, which conforms to the Information Systems Success Model Theory. 4. According to the analysis results of this study, the perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use for the Yunlin County elementary schools faculty towards Cloud-Based Official Documents Online Submission and Approval System are highly correlated. 5. According to the analysis results of this study, the system quality, information quality and service quality for the Yunlin County elementary schools faculty towards Cloud-Based Official Documents Online Submission and Approval System are correlated. 6. With respect to different school size, the Yunlin County elementary schools faculty show significant differences in the perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and system quality. 7. With respect to years of service, the Yunlin County elementary schools faculty show significant differences in the perceived usefulness, system quality, information quality and service quality. 8. With respect to frequency of usage, the Yunlin County elementary schools faculty show significant differences in the perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, information quality and service quality.




