  • 學位論文


The Development of Indoor Swarm Aerial Robot Based on Motion Capture System

指導教授 : 鄒杰烔


近年來,無人飛行載具(UAV)獲得廣泛的研究,它具有體積小、重量輕、高機動性、自主性等優點。目前國內外的研究都已相當成熟,尤其是在室外環境中,因為有全球定位系統(GPS)提供戶外座標,使得多旋翼飛行機器人能達到定點停懸與導航等功能。但是,由於室內空間中無法接收到GPS訊號,以至於無法達到上述等功能。 本論文原先選用超音波室內定位系統作為飛行機器人之定位參考系統,並以Microsoft Visual Basic設計人機界面,但礙於響應速度與精度不足以控制飛行機器人,因此改以全向輪機器人驗證此定位系統。最後,採用紅外線動態捕捉系統做為室內定位系統,此定位系統響應速度可達每秒120FPS,精度可達0.1毫米以下,足以同時控制多台多軸飛行機器人在室內空間中進行群組協同飛行。利用紅外線動態捕捉系統取得每台飛行機器人之座標與方位角,使用Microsoft Visual C#設計人機界面,透過433MHz nRF905模組做為無線通訊系統,方便即時控制飛行機器人的座標位置,達到同時控制多台飛行機器人在室內空間中的群組飛行之功能。另外,透過紅外線感測器偵測飛行機器人周圍環境的距離,當距離低於設定值時,飛行機器人能夠自主閃避,以免發生碰撞。 透過實驗結果證實,紅外線感測器能夠幫助多軸飛行機器人自主避開障礙物,但礙於偵測距離過短且實驗空間太小,在實際導航實驗時無法使用。紅外線動態捕捉系統的高響應速度與高精準度也確實能夠用於當作多軸飛行機器人的室內定位系統,並且在室內空間中做到多台飛行機器人定點停旋與導航等功能。


Due to the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) has the advantages of light weight, small size, and better dynamic performance, it has always been the highlight on research topics in recent years. Today, this item is very mature at outdoor environment, it can loiter and autopilot because of Global positioning System (GPS). But, GPS signal can’t be received that UAV can’t loiter and autopilot in indoor environment. In this research, the ultrasonic positioning system was used as indoor positioning system of aerial robots. Microsoft Visual Basic was used to design a Graphical User Interface (GUI) that can show the position of aerial robots and setup waypoints for aerial robot navigation. But, the positioning response and accuracy are too low for aerial robot positioning. So, the ultrasonic positioning system was used as indoor positioning system of omni-directional mobile robot. Finally, a motion capture system, which has 120 FPS high positioning response and 0.1 mm positioning accuracy, was used as indoor positioning system for swarm aerial robots. Using Microsoft Visual C# to design a GUI which can communicate with UAVs by using 433MHz nRF905 wireless module makes control UAVs conveniently. In addition, twelve infrared sensors make an obstacle avoidance aerial robot. When the obstacle’s distance less than preset value, the aerial robot will dodge automatically. From experiment as results, infrared sensors can make aerial robot to have obstacle avoidance ability. But, because of the infrared sensors detect distance is too short and experiment space is too small, the infrared sensors do not be used in indoor navigation experiment. The high positioning response and accuracy with motion capture system actually can make the aerial robots doing loiter, autopilot and swarm flight


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