  • 學位論文


Measuring Supply Flexibility Performance in Fuzzy Environment according to Taiwan's Machine Tool Industry

指導教授 : 張洝源
共同指導教授 : 王士元(Shih-Yuan Wang)


在企業面臨全球化競爭、資訊科技進步迅速、以及產品生命週期日益縮短等因素下,迫使企業的經營環境不僅日趨險峻,其不確定性亦同時增加。有鑑於此,為在競爭激烈與多變的商業環境中謀生存,企業必須具備隨環境變化而調整之能力,從而建構一個穩健的彈性供應鏈乃為因應環境不確定性之重要對策;藉由彈性供應鏈具備能迅速回應各種不確定因素的特性,以降低營運成本並提高經營績效,進而快速滿足多樣多變的顧客需求。再者,由於經營理念的轉變,企業必須建構新的評估模式,以利與供應商建立長期可靠的夥伴關係。因此,供應商遴選將是企業建構供應鏈體系的核心要務,而供應彈性評估則是執行供應商遴選與建立長期夥伴關係的首要工作。 本研究經彙整文獻所提及之供應鏈彈性作為建構供應彈性評估架構之參考依據,同時運用模糊德爾菲法求解架構內各屬性與行為之合理性,並結合多準則決策與群體決策作為評估之運算方法,最後以模糊積分為基礎的決策模式加以整合以產生結果,此舉不僅將有效降低極端值對整合決策值之影響,同時亦能得到評估最佳解。


In order to survive in a highly competitive and changing business environment, scholars agree that enterprises must have the ability to adjust to the changing environment. A strong Supply Chain Flexibility has been developed and is an important countermeasure to respond to the uncertainty of the environment. As business concepts change, enterprises have to build a new assessment model to facilitate and establish long-term and reliable partnerships with suppliers. Therefore, supplier selection is a core task in the construction of the supply chain system. While the supplier selection and establishing the long-term partnership, the Supply Flexibility Measurement is the primary task. This study reviews the liferafure that are referred to Supply Chain Flexibility to establish a Supply Flexibility Measurement reference. It uses the Fuzzy Delphi Method to solve the rational of property and behavior within the framework, and is combined with Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Group Decision Making as an operational method of measuring. Finally, use of a decision integration model that is based on Fuzzy Integral will reduce the effects from extreme value on the decision integration results and get the optimal measuring solution.


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