  • 學位論文


The Narrative Inquiry for Multidisciplinary Journey and Interaction with Organizations’ Cultures

指導教授 : 蔡璞


因應時代快速變遷,目前職場已進入「一職多務」、「一工多能」的時代,人才似乎必須具備多方面的技能,方能具有更佳的競爭力。相較於傳統單一技術取向的人才,跨領域人才是指具有兩個或兩個以上專業(或學科)基本知識與基本能力的人才;然而多樣化專長的人,是否真較單一專長的人具有優勢?本研究以「跨領域人才心路歷程與企業組織文化互動」為命題,運用述說探究法探究跨領域人才的人格特質與學習歷程、以及其在不同產業中的定位,與傳統專業人才之比較。   為達到研究目的,本研究分成三個階段進行:敘說訪談階段,資料整理與分析階段,以及研究撰寫與結論階段。第一階段中,本研究先建立欲探討之問題,並以數位跨領域人才為受訪對象,分別敘說訪談之;第二階段本研究以欲探究之問題為主軸,將口述資料化作逐字稿後,分析受訪者的個人經驗並探討與問題的相關性。其問題包括:(1)跨領域的動機為何? (2)跨領域人才有何共通的人格特質?(3)跨領域人才與專業人才之異同處、以及各自的優劣勢? (4)在不同組織文化中,跨領域人才的定位?以及 (5)組織內部階級與跨領域人才之相關性?等五項。 本研究結果發現:1. 跨領域的動機並非完全出於自覺而先未雨綢繆地做好準備;反而是對跨不同專長領域有急迫性的需求,因外界壓力而引發跨領域的動機;2.廣泛學習的內隱特質是跨領域者個共同特質;其中又以積極正面的學習態度尤其重要;3. 不同的組織文化會影響員工是否朝向跨領域發展的重要因素;4. 跨領域人才在工作初期的確佔有優勢,但同時卻也伴隨著難以負荷的工作量;而在升遷的時候,跨領域能力並未帶來相對的優勢,管理者將工作績效與個人態度作為升遷的重要考量因素。


For responding the rapid changes of generation, the employees, which have to do more things in their own working position, and need to have more multi-abilities to be competitive than others. Comparing to traditional single- skill workers; those employees who have two or more professional skills or disciplines are called Interdisciplinary employees. However, do those Interdisciplinary employees take more advantage than single- skill workers? This study is based on studies of the interactions between Interdisciplinary employees and the culture of business organization, comparison of the traditional single- skill workers to Interdisciplinary ones by studying the personalities and learning process of these Interdisciplinary employees, as well as to make study of the job market for those Interdisciplinary employees. To reach the purpose, the study is divided into three phases: Narrating the interview of Interdisciplinary employees, analyzing all the data and document for the purpose of this study and conclusion. The first part of the study focus on setting the questions to discuss and the interview of few Interdisciplinary employees. Second, typing the dictated interview into paper work, and furthermore analyzing the related answers to the questions below. 1. The reason of doing Interdisciplinary 2. The similarities of the personalities of the Interdisciplinary employees 3. The advantage and disadvantage of the Interdisciplinary employees 4. The position of the Interdisciplinary employees in different cultures of business organization 5. The position and the similarities of the Interdisciplinary employees in business organization This study shows four results: 1. Interdisciplinary employees are not already prepared to learn Interdisciplinary for the job at first, mostly are forced from the necessities of learning Interdisciplinary,because the external pressure caused interdisciplinary motivation. 2. Personality is a key of learning Interdisciplinary successfully; moreover, positive learning attitude is the most important. 3. Different cultures of business organization affect employees to study Interdisciplinary or not. 4. Interdisciplinary employees have better working performance at first. However, Interdisciplinary leads to a heavy burden of working. During the time of promotion, Interdisciplinary capacity does not bring a comparative advantage; Mangers consider the work performance and personal attitude of employees instead.


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