  • 學位論文


The Study of Dou-Liou Baseball Stadium’s Customer Satisfaction and Outsourcing Management Feasibility

指導教授 : 黃信豪


長久以來台灣之大型運動場、館皆為公辦公營,且大部分因為缺乏有效專業之經營管理與市場行銷相關之專業人員,以及預算不足等諸多因素,影響運動場地設施發揮它應有的功能。因此,政府為避免影響公共建設之進行與服務品質的提供,故引入民間資源參與公共建設與經營以持續提供公共服務、加速振興經濟、帶動商機與減輕政府財政負擔。本研究的主要目的有二:一是探討使用斗六棒球場及周邊設施之民眾對公部門經營管理之運動場館的滿意度;另一是進行斗六棒球場委外管理之可行性評估。因此,本研究利用問卷調查的方法來對斗六棒球場使用者進行調查,以了解他們對棒球場及周邊設施之滿意度。此外,在了解斗六棒球場的現況及文獻探討後,進行委外管理之市場可行性、財務可行性以及法律可行性之綜合評估。希望本研究之結果能夠提供管理單位將來提昇整體棒球場品質以及研擬促進民間參與投資之參考。 研究的結果發現:1.民眾對於斗六棒球場設施環境之整體滿意度,介於「滿意」與「很滿意」之間;2.較滿意的部份為簡易標準棒球場之設立與運動休閒之空間; 3. 較不滿意的部份為棒球場整體環境的清潔衛生程度及周邊消費機能。可行性評估的結果建議斗六棒球場可以OT或ROT方式委外經營。


Most of the sports stadiums in Taiwan have been supported and operated by the government for a long time. However, due to lack of budgets and experienced managerial personnel, the function of sports fields has not been fully utilized. This objective of this study is two fold: first, is to investigate the customer satisfaction of the Dou-Liou baseball stadium in Yunlin county; second, is to study the feasibility of outsourcing management of the stadium. Hopefully, the result of this study will provide guideline for local government to improve stadium’s quality service and to develop outsourcing management plan. The result of this study shows that: 1. The overall customer satisfaction of Dou-Liou baseball stadium is in the “very satisfied” and “satisfied” range. 2. The satisfied parts of the facilities are “baseball practice field” and “excise space”. 3. The dissatisfied parts of the facilities are “facility cleanness” and “surrounding shopping functionality”. 4. The feasibility study suggests that the stadium can be outsourcing by means of “operate-transfer” or “rent-operate-transfer” method.


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蘇維軍(2012)。地方公立棒球場以OT模式經營之研究- 以「桃園青埔國際棒球場」及「台南市立棒球場」為例〔碩士論文,國立臺北大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0023-1608201320142700
