  • 學位論文


The Study of Flow Experience, Experiential Value and Behavioral Intention in the Form of Experiencing Cultural and Creative Industry Activities

指導教授 : 李彥希


本研究旨在探討國立台灣工藝研究發展中心的遊客對於不同地體驗活動型式內容深淺程度上,是否對於體驗活動產生心流體驗,以及體驗價值認同度組成不同進而影響後續行為意圖。本研究採現場立意抽樣進行問卷調查,運用探索式因素分析,建構此地區金工DIY活動之體驗價值之因素構面,且利用迴歸分析,確認心流體驗、體驗價值、行為意圖三者之關係。 研究結果金工體驗工坊之體驗價值由美感氛圍、渾然忘我與物超所值等三因素組成,且皆處於中高度之認同,由差異分析,發現不同個人屬性之遊客(旅遊動機、過往旅遊經驗及參與意願程度…等)其在心流體驗上具有顯著差異。另透過迴歸分析發現,心流體驗會正向地影響體驗價值;體驗價值也會正向影響行為意圖;心流體驗正向地影響行為意圖。由此可證實若是心流體驗感受程度越高時,其對於體驗價值與行為意圖之影響相對地也會越高。 研究結果,在學術研究上除了確立三者變項之關係外,也提供實務上之參考。業者未來在行銷上可針對目標客群之推廣外,在體驗活動規劃之設計,亦可對於研究結果之體驗價值因素之重要程度,運用在活動課程設計上調整其內容比例,以提升活動之吸引力。


The aim of this paper is to determine the relationship of flow experience, experiential value and behavioral intention in the form of experiencing activities on metalworking of National Taiwan Craft Research and Development Institute (NTCRI). This research adopt the purposive sampling method and exploratory factor analysis (EFA) to construct the EVS(Experiential Value Scale) of NTCRI metalworking and determine the relationship of flow experience, experiential value and behavioral intention by using regression analysis. In terms of research findings, the study discovers that EVS consists of aesthetic ambience, escape and bang for the buck factor that are mid-high identity. We also found different tourist character (travel motivation, travel experience and willingness to participate…) has significant difference on flow experience by employing one-way analysis of variance (One-way ANOVA) and t-test. Regression analysis shows that flow experience has a significant influence on experiential value; Experiential value has a significantly impact on behavioral intention;Flow experience has a significant influence on behavior intention. Therefore, flow experience is getting more clearly, also experiential value and behavioral intention are getting more highly. According to these findings, this research not only provided empirical evidences on academic, but also be the indicator for the DIY context on practical.


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