  • 學位論文


Studies on the Stack Design of the Flat-Panel Series PEMFC

指導教授 : 邱青煌


本論文針對傳統燃料電池堆的設計、組裝以及堆疊方式做一個改良,係以Flip-Flop的平面串接概念來設計雙極板,並製作出具較高電壓輸出的平面串接式電池堆模組,期望能以此電池組結合系統來達到便於維護以及可擴充性佳之優點,其中以EFD流體分析軟體分析燃料電池的流場設計、以及尺寸,然後製作雙極板以及端板組裝。 研究中以三蛇流道之單電池對商用MEA進行活化與效能分析,再將MEA組裝成燃料電池堆進行測試分析,在電池測試的實驗中,我們測試電池堆中之最佳的氣體流量為氫氣600sccm與空氣1200sccm,實驗結果顯示,此原型電池堆在電壓2V時,功率密度可達到1091.93 mW/cm2,其效能約為單電池測試之效能的74.29%。


The purpose of this thesis is to modify the traditional fuel cell stack design, assembly and stack to develop a modulized planar proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) stack. In this study, Flip-Flop plane cascading concept is used to design bipolar plate and cascaded composition of the cell stack is used to obtain a higher voltage output. Besides, the combination of the stack pack is applied in the fuel cell stack system to achieve the advantages of easy maintenance and higher scalability. In the stack experiment, the stack is tested to find the best fuel flow, when hydrogen is 600sccm and Air 1200sccm. The result shows that the prototype stack maximum power density of the stack can reach to 1091.93 mW/cm2 at 2V, achieve the 74.29% performance of single cell test kit.


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