  • 學位論文


The Carbon Dioxide Emissions of Accommodation in Tourism Sector in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林子平


觀光旅遊蓬勃發展被視為是低能源消耗,事實上,旅遊行為運輸、住宿、活動中,皆需要消耗能源,製造二氧化碳排放。目前台灣針對旅館碳排放量的研究鮮少,相關基礎資料不足,且尚未對旅館用電及餐廳是否納入計算進行探討,亦不知對整體產業的影響。本研究針對台灣65個旅館案例進行現地調查,並以樓地板面積比及用電密度比,合理的將餐廳耗能排除計算。 結果顯示,國際觀光旅館每人每晚碳排放量之中位數為23.84kg(平均20.15),一般觀光旅館碳排放量中位數為18.58 kg (平均19.18),而等級較低的旅館其數值相對較低,一般旅館中位數為6.52 kg (平均12.47),民宿排放量最低,中位數只有4.96 kg (平均6.32)。旅館總碳排放量中,國際觀光旅館占台中總碳排放量的49%,一年約排放17萬公噸的二氧化碳,而其次為一般旅館43%,一年約排放15萬公噸二氧化碳,一般觀光旅館6%,一年約排放2萬公噸二氧化碳,民宿碳排放量最少僅占2%,一年約排放6千公噸二氧化碳。另外,根據台灣近三年的統計資料顯示,2008至2010年中旅館碳排放量有逐年增加的趨勢,尤其是以一般旅館最為明顯。而旅館能源消耗中,電力是最主要的來源,占總能源消耗的88%,其次為鍋爐油、天然氣等。 當積極在改善國際級旅館耗能時,值得注意的是,一般旅館間數多、住房比例高,雖然每人每晚碳排放量低,但整體造成的能源消耗卻相當高,必須更加以留意。透過本研究,可了解住宿業中不同的能源使用,以及不同類型旅館中碳排放量之差異,進一步可提供政府及業者建立旅館規模及制定規範參考之基準。


As the rising demand for energy, the carbon dioxide (CO2) emission increase sharply in recent years. Tourism industry has become the most economic indicators of industrial countries, so that we can not ignored the CO2 emissions .This study focus on the CO2 by the accommodation in tourism sector in Taiwan. In this study, the accommodation is divided into four categories, International Tourist Hotels, Tourist Hotels, Hotel and B & B. On-site surveys and interviews are applied for each selected subject, collecting the energy used data, including fossil fuel, electricity, gas, etc, and also the total number of visitors. This study, the restaurant emissions are independent to calculate , due to the difference scale between hotel restaurants, and part of the hotel will combine electric instrument, if we are going to count energy emission of every visitor in hotel than we have to eliminate restaurant’s energy emission. Finally, International Tourist Hotels have the largest CO2 emissions per person night among the four type accommodations, reached as 23.84 kg, followed by the Tourist Hotels 18.58 kg per person night, and the Hotels consumed 6.52 kg per person night. The lowest value occurred in B & B with 4.96 kg per person night. The main energy source for the accommodation industry is electricity, and occupied 88% of the total energy use. The CO2 emissions of accommodation in Taiwan is about 450,000(tons) a year. The Hotel have the largest emissions of total CO2 emission in Taiwan, it’s about 350,000 (tons) a year. The results of this study will contribute to the industry sector to suggest a energy saving manner and is also helpful to the administration sector for the CO2 emission reduction policy in Taiwan in the future.


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4. 林子平、彭曉婕、黃育菁、趙元綺、吳震南,(2009),旅遊活動造成二氧化碳排放量之研究-以日本來台之套裝行程為例,第十一屆休閒、遊憩、觀光學術研討會暨國際論壇,中華民國戶外遊憩學會。
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