  • 學位論文


Theoretical Analysis of Three-Body Friction with Adhesion Effects

指導教授 : 洪政豪


隨著微機械產業與精密傳動產業的高精密化,尤其在具有相對運動之接觸表面間黏附與摩擦等表面力現象相對於慣性力顯得越來越重要。在具有相對運動之接觸表面間,實際上常存有不同外來粒子,本身磨屑等,而這些因素均會影響接觸面間之黏附、摩擦與磨損。由上述影響接觸表面之重要因子,本文理論分析建構考慮黏附效應與顆粒之三體微接觸模式,並利用所得之彈性、塑性及彈塑性變形接觸面積推導出黏附摩擦係數、波峰變形摩擦係數、顆粒變形摩擦係數與棘輪摩擦係數公式,建立界面間具有黏附效應之完整摩擦特性模式,再由理論分析了解顆粒、表面材料及表面效應在兩接觸界面間摩擦特性。結果顯示,粗糙表面接觸面間在小間隙時,由顆粒尺寸與顆粒密度所主導摩擦係數,而隨著間隙的增加,影響總摩擦係數的主要因子改為表面摩擦係數。在不同塑性指數下,當間隙相同時有一定的變化:(d/σ)Ψ0.5 > (d/σ) Ψ0.7> (d/σ) Ψ1.0> (d/σ) Ψ1.5 > (d/σ) Ψ2.5。較大的顆粒尺寸與顆粒密度在精密機械與微機械的相同運轉條件下,有較高的摩擦係數值與臨界間隙。這些表面摩擦特性變化,可作為精密機械與微機械傳動設計設計之參考。


精密機械 黏附 摩擦 磨損 顆粒 三體微接觸 變形 黏附效應


With the high precision application in areas such as micro machine and precision machine. Adhesion and friction become more and more important than inertial force between the contact surfaces and the dimensionless separation. In the micro machine and precision machine particles are often presented at contact interfaces. And these factors will affect the adhesion, friction and wear between the contact surfaces. In this paper, a three-body friction with adhesion effects model for rough surface with particles, material of surfaces and surface effects are proposed in order to understand the effects of particles, material of surface and surface effects between surfaces on contact characteristics. This work establishes a new three-body microcontact model to calculate elastic contact area, plastic contact area, elastic-plastically deformed contact area, and infers that adhesion friction, deformation friction and ratchet friction between the contact surfaces. The results show that the particle size and particle density dominates the friction value for low mean separation between rough surfaces. Beyond the critical value of mean separation, the important factor in affecting total friction value is surface friction. The critical value have the sequence for the different plasticity index: (d/σ)Ψ0.5 > (d/σ) Ψ0.7> (d/σ) Ψ1.0> (d/σ) Ψ1.5 > (d/σ) Ψ2.5. The larger the wear particle size and particle density, the higher friction value and critical separation value for precision machine and micromachine under the same operation conditions.


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