  • 學位論文


Ecomuseum Strategy Applied to Community Development A Case Study of Jinntour Community in Miaoli County,Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃志成


社區是人們生活及互動的最主要場域,臺灣社區歷經社區發展法及總體營造等歷程,過程中,可能因為政策因素,限制或改變了社區固定的生活及互動型態,社區總體營造是政府為喚醒居民的「社區共同體意識」,以讓社區居民自主的提升社區生活品質及促使文化產業的復甦,但政策上的曲解造成社區文化及發展方向趨變,可能讓純樸寧靜的社區,變成熱鬧繁華的觀光景區。當「新博物館學」嘗試以「社區主義」為基礎理論創造「生態博物館」的概念後,它所提出的相關理論儼然成為社區營造的主軸,以民眾參與、地方認同及文化保存,兼具穩固人、環境及生態之間的和諧關係。而社區並非得以觀光或產業行銷來營造社區,保有社區的資源,在過程中建立和培養社區民眾的相互的情感,即是社區營造也是生態博物館最主要的理念。「生態博物館」為新博物館學所萌生出來的新思維,所陳述的包含整個地域中自然或人文互動的概念,與近年來推動的社區營造不謀而合。社區發展除了改善社區住民生活品質,也希望社區居民能主動參與社區事物,生態博物館融入社區發展理念不只可以強調當地社區人文及資產面向,也能尋找到社區發展所面臨的相關問題。 苗栗通霄鎮圳頭社區,歷經十幾年的社區發展,擁有良好的社區意識及向心力,在環境建設上也無較重大改變,保持著既有原鄉風貌環境。為建構圳頭社區理性感知之發展願景,本研究導入生態博物館思維及理論,運用文獻分析及深度訪談調查等方式,研究圳頭社區是否具有生態博物館的本質,在由訪談社區實務經驗且不同領域之社區專家學者,從探討社區與生態博物館議題中歸納出專家學者的建議與看法,並藉著比較國內外生態博物館案例的發展概念,探討社區營造的相關層面,最後統整出以生態博物館做為社區的發展策略。 研究成果發現,社區具有生態博物館的本質,是源自於社區建構發展方向時的核心觀念及居民的主動參與所造就,專家學者也認同生態博物館的應用與圳頭社區的發展潛能,故此本研究依據社區現況、專家學者訪談分析及案例的比較,提出以生態博物館做為圳頭社區的發展策略及建議,提供給未來社區發展及探討相關議題之研究做為參考。


Community is the region in which people live and interact. In the process of community development and integrated community development in Taiwan, there have been limitations and changes to the pattern how the people in a community originally live and interact. The government enforces integrated community development in order to increase local residents’ awareness towards the particular area where they live and further motivate them to take notice of community growth and revive cultural industry. However, a mispresented policy could make a simple and peaceful community turn into a bustling and noisy tourist site. After the concept of ecomuseum was introduced, related theories were suggested to encourage public participation and cultural preservation, to build local identity as well as ensuring that human beings and their surroundings develop in harmony with ecology. Moreover, instead of developing the community and preserving its resources by promoting tourism or marketing industry, theories of ecomuseum emphasize that it is more important for people in the community to form attachment to one another. Ecomuseum is the idea based on New Museology, and the idea can be applied to the community development that was initiated in recent years. Developing community not only improves living qualities, it also involves local residents in community activities. By applying ecomuseum to community development, the characteristics of both human environment and cultural properties of local communities can be strengthen and in addition issues arose from the process of community development can be solved accordingly. In Taiwan, Jinntour Community in Miaoli County has been developing for more than a decade, and during the process local residents have gained a sense of community. Moreover, no major changes or constructions have been made to the area and therefore it is able to stay the same as it was before community development was facilitated. In order to foster future development of Jinntour Community, ideas and concepts of ecomuseum had been adopted in this study. Through in-depth interviews and case studies, Jinntour Community was investigated to see if it possesses the potential for ecomuseum. In-depth interviews with experienced experts and scholars in different communities were developed to address issues which concerns the relationship between the community and ecomuseum and the suggestions and perspectives which were indicated or proposed by the experts and scholars were then integrated. Case studies of ecomuseums and community development in Taiwan and other countries were also compared in this study. Ecomuseum was concluded as a strategy of community development. It was found that the reason why a community possesses potential to become an ecomuseum is because of both the pivotal idea which was put forward ever since the community was constructed and the participation of local residents. Experts and scholars also agreed on applying ecomuseum to developing the potential Jinntour Community. Therefore, according to the present situation of Jinntour Community, review of case studies and in-depth interviews, development strategies and further suggestions were provided in this study in order to apply ecomuseum to the future development of Jinntour Community.


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