  • 學位論文


A Research into Key Resilience Factors in Response to Supply Chain Disruption Risks: An Integrated Model Application

指導教授 : 張洝源


隨著全球化之經濟發展態勢,以及快速變動的市場及資訊,為追求效率之提升,企業必須不斷擴大其營運的範圍,以維持競爭優勢。然而,企業擴大版圖之發展過程中,面臨著各類型難以預測的風險,常因突發事件而造成供應鏈中斷,對企業的運作產生巨大的衝擊。因此企業該如何確立重要的風險因素,並採取妥善之因應措施,是當今企業重要的課題。企業若能發展韌性,將其作為策略制定的方案,就能讓風險造成的影響降低,使供應鏈有效率的回復至原本的績效。   本研究首先將概念性的風險進行分析,建構出百餘項之風險列表,並針對個案公司找出供應鏈中斷的關鍵風險因素,再者根據文獻回顧,彙整出韌性指標,但企業得知關鍵韌性指標,對方案的擬定或達成條件仍稍嫌抽象,因此本研究具體提出韌性提升之準則,這些準則不但能夠支持韌性指標,且能提供管理者策略制定的參考依據。   本研究採用焦點團體法進行質性資料之收集,結合失效模式與效應分析探討各風險之發生原因與影響,以及模糊德爾菲法進行準則之篩選,最後藉由VIKOR排序法得出方案之評選結果。本研究最後方案評選結果「作業訊息即時性的共享」「作業現場與後台的連動」「產品的發展與設計改良」為個案公司提升韌性因應風險之最佳方案。


With the globalization of economic development and the rapid flow of markets and information, in order to pursue efficiency, enterprises expand their business scope to maintain a competitive advantage. However, in the process of enterprise layout expansion, enterprises are faced with various types of unpredictable risks and supply chain disruptions due to unexpected events, leading to enormous impacts on enterprises’ operations. Hence, how enterprises establish important risk factors and adopt appropriate coping measures is an important issue for todays’ enterprises. If enterprises can develop resilience as a plan for developing strategies, risk-induced impacts can be reduced, thereby efficiently restoring the original performance of the supply chain.   In this study, first the conceptual risks underwent analysis to construct over one hundred listed risks. Additionally, targeting the case company, the key risk factors contributing to supply chain interruption were found. Further, based on literature review, resilience indicators were compiled. However, the plans developed or conditions met by enterprises that have obtained key resilience indicators are rather abstract. Therefore, specific criteria for enhancing resilience were put forward in this study, which not only support the resilience indicators, but also provide managers with references when developing strategies.   The Focus Group Method was used to collect qualitative data. With the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis combined, the causes and impacts of risk occurrences were analyzed. In addition, Fuzzy Delphi Method was adopted to carryout criteria screening. Finally, the VIKOR sorting method was used to obtain the plan selection results. The finical plan selection results “instant sharing of job information”, “job site and backstage linkage”, and “product development design and design improvement” were selected as the best plans for enhancing the case company’s resilience for coping with risks.


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